This site includes my past two decades' teaching-n-leaning in Social Science fields, Educational Technology, Art, some of my cross-cultural observations, non-academic/sociocultural critiques, and pasquinades (after retired). At the current stage, no guest blogs. No advertisements. All rights are reserved.
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Monday, January 31, 2022
Jan 31 (T), 2022 Hupi - the reason behind the "Why?"
Jan. 31 (T), 2022 Lunar New Year of the Feline
All my majesties say -
Happy Lunar New Year of the Felines, to you and your family

(Some of them are in the heaven/the other side of the rainbow bridge

Krystal LC Huang
New Year Folksongs:
恭賀恭喜 新年快樂 萬事如意 Happy New Year. Sung by Xena LCH #156恭賀恭喜 新年快樂 萬事如意 Happy New Year. Sung by Xena LCH #156
繡荷包 New Year Folk Song Embroidered Pouch. Sung by Xena LCH#157繡荷包 New Year Folk Song Embroidered Pouch. Sung by Xena LCH#157
Krystal LC Huang
Friends asked "what unique ways your majesties teach you..."
Maybe, I can use this one – when 觀音子 (the Daughter of Avalokitesvara, the one on the top left-hand side of the poster, a bottle-fed baby adopted from a school in 1997) was in the last stage of her illness when she was 15 years of age (after a surgery due to breast cancer). My feeble mind suddenly could not render many things. Then the great compassion mantra of Avalokitesvara supported me to be strong enough miraculously during the last two months of her life.
I just memorized it (all 84 lines, could be one of longest mantras of all) and recited the whole mantra naturally during her illness till in the vet’s clinic, where the doctor finally helped her through peacefully in 2012.
This version of mantra was written in the original Sanskrit word turned into the sound form. So, each word might not carry meaning but the phenetic format keeps one focused. I even could not recite this most important mantra (only some shorter ones) when my mother passed away. I felt terrible about myself to my dear mother. The guilt was deep…
I don't think myself a religious/spiritual person - ha, except when sorrow and weakness hit you deadly!!!
Here is the 84 line version of the great compassion mantra (Nīlakaṇṭha Dhāraṇī), of Avalokitesvara (Kannon/觀音-Japanese form, or the Mercy Buddha):
南無喝囉怛那哆囉夜耶 南無阿唎耶 婆盧羯帝爍鉢囉耶 菩提薩埵婆耶 摩訶薩埵婆耶 摩訶迦盧尼迦耶 唵 薩皤囉罰曳 數怛那怛寫 南無悉吉唎埵伊蒙阿唎耶 婆盧吉帝室佛囉楞馱婆 南無那囉謹墀 醯唎摩訶皤哆沙咩 薩婆阿他豆輸朋 阿逝孕 薩婆薩哆那摩婆薩多 那摩婆伽 摩罰特豆 怛姪他 唵 阿婆盧醯 盧迦帝 迦羅帝 夷醯唎 摩訶菩提薩埵 薩婆薩婆 摩囉摩囉 摩醯摩醯唎馱孕 俱盧俱盧羯蒙 度盧度盧罰闍耶帝 摩訶罰闍耶帝 陀囉陀囉 地唎尼 室佛囉耶 遮囉遮囉 摩麼罰摩囉 穆帝隸 伊醯伊醯 室那室那 阿囉嘇佛囉舍利 罰娑罰嘇 佛囉舍耶 呼嚧呼嚧摩囉 呼嚧呼嚧醯利 娑囉娑囉 悉唎悉唎 蘇嚧蘇嚧 菩提夜菩提夜 菩馱夜菩馱夜 彌地利夜 那囉謹墀 地利瑟尼那 婆夜摩那 娑婆訶 悉陀夜 娑婆訶 摩訶悉陀夜 娑婆訶 悉陀喻藝 室皤囉耶 娑婆訶 那囉謹墀 娑婆訶 摩囉那囉 娑婆訶 悉囉僧阿穆佉耶 娑婆訶 娑婆摩訶阿悉陀夜 娑婆訶 者吉囉阿悉陀夜 娑婆訶 波陀摩羯悉陀夜 娑婆訶 那囉謹墀皤伽囉耶 娑婆訶 摩婆利勝羯囉夜 娑婆訶 南無喝囉怛那哆囉夜耶 南無阿唎耶 婆嚧吉帝 爍皤囉耶 娑婆訶 唵 悉殿都 漫多囉 跋陀耶 娑婆訶
Detailed info, refer to:

Nīlakaṇṭha Dhāraṇī - WikipediaNīlakaṇṭha Dhāraṇī - Wikipedia
Saturday, January 29, 2022
Jan 29 (Sa), 2022 A bird's story
Krystal LC Huang
Fortunately, the babies have the couple of dedicated parents to take care of them

The life chance/thriving is greater than those who are in the poster attached below.
0:17 / 0:30
Ahamed Andrea SarabiaEarth Unreal

Krystal LC Huang
Reminds me of an old post. These babies (ended up - a baby) rely on the mom:
Thursday, January 27, 2022
Tuesday, January 25, 2022
Jan 25 (T), 2022 All the Pandemic nonsense that I have shared since Jan. 26, 2020
Details, please refer to my brief documentary regarding the pandemic since January, 2020:
Jan 265 (T), 2022 What do they really want?
These individuals of media mouthpieces, you might know : Axxx Jxxxx, Sxxx Hxxxxxx, Gxxx Bxxx, Jxxxx Kxxxx, Cxxxx Lxxx, even the gently oscillating Gxxxxx Nxxxx....just to name a few - wow, controlling millions of "innocent" lives and deaths!!!
Jan 25 (T), 2022 Never too late to fix...
Krystal LC Huang
Secretary of State, Mr. Blinken - the most hardworking gentleman among the public servants that I have ever seen.
Krystal LC Huang
Reuters: LIVE: U.S.' Blinken convenes meeting on combating human trafficking¬if_id=1643128486678669¬if_t=live_video_explicit
Krystal LC Huang
Shared from David Frazer. Thanks.

Krystal LC Huang

How to Reuse N95, KN95, and Other Disposable MasksHow to Reuse N95, KN95, and Other Disposable Masks
Krystal LC Huang
I always use 3 layers of standard masks to protect myself and others whenever going out since June 2020 (Floyd tragedy - May 25) after being aware of one or two layers was not enough in addition to other anti-viral measurements. I know, now, some of anti-viral protocol fb friends are laughing at me...
Thursday, January 20, 2022
Jan 20 (Th), 2022 Cold! Stay warm! Song for tonight.
A way to learn foreign languages - through singing! (The following contents were shared from a youtube friend):
飲ませて下さい もう少し
Nomasete kudasai mou sukoshi
(Please let me drink a little more)
今夜は 帰らない 帰りたくない
Konya wa kaeranai kaeritaku nai
(I will not, and do not want to return tonight)
誰が待つと 言うの あの部屋で
Dare ga matsu to iuno ano heya de
(Who do you think is waiting in that room?)
そうよ誰も いないわ 今では
Souyo daremo inaiwa ima dewa
(Nobody is waiting for me now)
唄わないで 下さい その歌は
Utawanaide kudasai sono uta wa
(Please do not sing that song)
別れた あの人を 想い出すから
Wakareta anohito wo omoidasukara
(That reminds me of the person I parted from)
飲めば やけに 涙も ろくなる
Nomeba yakeni namida moroku naru
(When I drink, I am easily moved to tears)
こんな私許して 下さい
Konna watashi yurushite kudasai
(Please excuse me)
外 は 冬の雨 まだ やまぬ この胸を濡らすように
Soto wa fuyu no ame mada yamanu kono mune wo nurasu youni
(The winter rain does not stop yet as if to wet my heart)
傘が ない わけじゃ ないけれど 帰りたくない
Kasa ga naiwakeja naikeredo kaeritakunai
(I do not want to return not because I have no umbrella)
もっと 酔う 程に 飲んで あの人を 忘れたいから 忘れたいから
Motto youhodoni nonde ano hito wo wasuretaikara
(I just want to drink more to forget that person).
Jan 20 (Th), 2022 Politico-melodramas - a culture universal
Krystal LC Huang
個人在臺灣的時候, 有一項目標準的從眾行為 – 那就是跟著大家, 加入無殼蝸牛族的行列.
早期社會, 是沒有什麼臺灣人去從軍的, 尤其是女性. 我擺流動攤販的父親, 與不識字的母親, 一共生了十個小孩. 六個女兒當中, 一個早夭, 另外兩個, 就當巾摑英雌, 飽家餵國去了.
當了軍人, 也為政府打雜 (行政院與立法院) 數年, 在那種框框架架的工作環境, 大腦僵化了, 腸胃也只能欣賞溫飽. 由於對錢財的觀念很顏回, 類似悶聲發大財迂迴側背熱門脈, 相當地孟子. 也花不上心思. 所以想擁有一個小小的鳥窩, 追尋有巢氏, 只能把它當成一種世俗的夢想或奢望.
每次回臺的時候, 還得還身充當數天的寄居蟹, 造訪我姐姐的住處. (年輕時, 她考上北醫, 那是不可能去念的. 後又考了國防醫學院, 分數比醫學系男生的分數還高, 但當時女性, 只能讀護理科. 她天資穎異文武雙全, 長年獲獎與勳章, 但最終以少校護理長退伍).
言歸正傳, 大概95%以上的人口, 有類似這這些暫居蟹, 租借蟹, 無殼蝸牛, 和嚮往有巢氏的經驗. 至於我, 只得流浪異國他鄉討生活. 那個諾貝爾雜讀雜學獎得主的天馬行空幻想, 大概這輩子沒有緣了. 謝謝自我以幾個親朋好友的期許.
住是民生六大需求之一, 經濟學家把土地列為四大生產要素之首: 土地, 勞力, 資本, 經營. 有些國家把住的問題調理得當, 可以說是住者有其屋, 或由貸款, 或購買, 或者租借, 以及不願意擁有房子種種事宜來安居樂業, 比如在斯堪地那維亞國家社會政策, 致力於實踐禮運大同篇的主旨. 對人民居住問題的種種照顧, 達到不憂富而患不均的境界. 荷蘭做到想住就有房子的成就.有些國家則限制個人以及財團法人在房屋土地的擁有量. 然而有些國家卻坐視土豪劣紳, 官商勾結, 官官相護, 壟斷土地財源, 直慾普天之下莫非個人的王土, 極度影響廣大弱勢群體成家立業的機會與權益. 這些戲碼在中二補選, 以及現在正在進行的幾個大家族的土地炒做侵占等等糾紛, 大家已耳熟能詳. 不再贅述. 只是曾經無殼無巢滄海, 感觸也特別深, 在這兒寫點不成熟的看法, 若有不當不妥之處, 敬請不吝賜教!
這大概就是共產黨所有策反的計謀中, 最聰明的亮點吧: “打土豪, 分田地”! 這個口號不就是那麼地迷人, 那麼驚天駭地有號召力, 引爆無數無產工農兵的革命運動, 因為土地是天地自然共生, 不像荷蘭人能夠造陸而成的. 而土革比土改更為簡單有效率, 哪怕是無辜生命血流成河, 伏屍遍野!!
用土地當釣餌, 莫非就是直指人心內部很基本的渴望:有土斯有財, 有財斯有人, 有人斯有政, 有政斯有權, 然後還原, 有權斯有更多財. 中共國今天能夠把巨賈富翁名流投機份子把玩在掌中心, 可收可放, 運用自如. 這黨中央掌控了土地這個金箍咒, 大概是主因之一. 而當今許多堅強的反共人士與鬥士們, 不乏因為被抄家, 抄財 , 抄名, 尤其是被抄地產, (當然也有因為被剝奪思想言論的自由, 或者純粹基於人文人權人道理念思想與中共抗爭等等) 而堅決反對中共國.
目前中共國正在覬覦香港寸土是金的土地, 欲收歸黨 (高幹領導)有, 以打倒資本主義所造成的貧富不均, 伸展張土地正義 的冠冕堂皇在動腦筋, 因為香港土地掌控在以四大家族為首的富豪手里: 李兆基家族,持有農地面積4500万平方英尺;郭得勝勝家族,持有農地面積3000万平方英尺;鄭裕彤家族,持有農地面積1700万平方英尺;李嘉真誠家族,持有農地面積900万平方英尺,總共持有10100万平米英尺。加上做房地產的大家: 劉鑾雄的華人置業,吳光正的九龍創業集團,英國太古集團等等,握有大量的土地. 而中共國設想 ”共港富裕” 的新點子, 正是資本家與擁戴資本主義的世界所不樂於看到的.
中共國正努力在這曾經是東方之珠, 指出土地壟斷貧富懸殊的現象. 維尼熊不也就說了一句人話嗎 - 房子是用來住, 的不是用來壟斷霸佔炒作的… 不也就鼓舞撫慰了很多天真無辜無殼蝸牛寄居蟹的深處心靈?
而臺灣呢…自家事, 很多人是心知肚明的, 不再細談. 這也可能是美國民主派人士, 關於臺灣對資本主義的過度擁抱, 有所保留.
過去根深蒂固的階級封建制度, 教育職業機會的種種不平等, 造成富者良田連綿萬畝, 廣廈豪宅千萬間, 朱門酒肉臭野有凍死骨要歷史悲情, 不斷重複上演. 社會詩人杜甫的 “茅屋為秋風所破’ 中的 “安得廣廈千萬間, 大庇天下寒士俱歡颜”成為永恆的夢想/魘. 這個理念多少它違背了資本主義, 尤其是保障私有財產的基本原則. 然而無限制的累積田地財富, 尤其是透過袖裡乾坤, 或得之於父祖遺產庇蔭不勞而獲者, 除非富不過三代是一個可能的事實, 否則貧富不均的惡化, 就是人類最大的夢魘之一.
美國這個超級資本主義的擁護者, 也是社會貧富不均的大本營, 把共產主義, 甚至是社會主義視為洪水猛獸般地撲抓打壓. 早期移民與政府, 從印地安人原住民巧取豪奪來的土地 (加上由1846-48美墨戰爭, 向墨西哥人得來的南部廣大六州土地, 以及運好, 於1803向法國廉價購買的路易斯安納, 和1867俄國的阿拉斯加等等), 他們哪能不知有土斯有財啊, 所以既得利益權貴們, 無論如何一定得立法保障財產”私”有的合法性與永恆性! 目前共和黨以及傳播媒介, 鎮日洗腦廣播良性社會主義的可恐, 力主維持與擴展歷來優勢團體既得利階級的最大權益, 來與民主黨抗衡. 所以這是類似於有與沒有, 少有與無有的權力鬥爭. 而民意的覺醒, 是最後終極的裁判者, 然而由於教育與宗教的受制於某些特殊利益團體與意識型態的掌控, 難得有功. (我自己是社會學科的教育者, 也常常感到窒息與不易以伸展之處.)
如上提及, 最近臺灣炒得沸沸揚揚有關幾個大家族的官商勾結, 全部脫不了土地的魔咒. 俗話說水可以載舟也可以覆舟, 土地不就也能如此一番嗎? 大眾社會還得感謝 3Q 即時的無心植柳效應, 和幾個媒體的願意, 和幾個媒體的願意 (以及幕後支援者), 或者是敢於說良心話, 才把臺灣盤根錯節, 隱藏多時的惡瘤, 尋找療方, 否則任其惡化, 不只是民安問題, 國安也岌岌可危 !, 或者是敢於說良心話, 才把臺灣盤根錯節, 隱藏多時的惡瘤, 尋找療方, 否則任其惡化, 不只是民安問題, 國安也岌岌可危 !
我深信有許多正直清廉的官府公僕, 不求名不求利, 默默地為民眾服務, 然而難免也有鼠屎壞了湯粥的弊端. 一些在做隱匿, 官官相護的人兒們, 也警覺了起來, 開始在動員了. 趕快謝謝 3Q 吧.
話多必失, 就用一句最簡單的話做結語: 想穿了, 土地最大的功能, 還不就是讓骨灰還原 - 來自於微塵, 終歸於淨土嗎 <3 ! ?
Krystal LC Huang
天網恢恢疏而不漏, 一步是一腳印的呦!
Krystal LC Huang
Just found an old writing of 2016 about Housing Movements in Taiwan related to the the last piece posted above:
02/26/16 (F) 追尋有巢氏...How to Earn The Identity of Landownership: This is your land – the reality of “有土斯有財” vs. the myth of “住者有 02/26/16 (F) 追尋有巢氏...How to Earn The Identity of Landownership: This is your land – the reality of “有土斯有財” vs. the myth of “住者有
Krystal LC Huang

Woody Guthrie- This Land Is Your LandWoody Guthrie- This Land Is Your Land
Krystal LC Huang
Just browsed Andy Tung's post. Thanks
Krystal LC Huang
Krystal LC Huang 他山之石:

Jan 20 (Th), 2022 Who and Why is above the Law?
Krystal LC Huang
Jan. 20, 2022
Implicit biases/prejudices are so much ingrained subconsciously or unconsciously, which tend to succumb to the Freudian slips, for example: Sen. Mitch McConnell, R-Ky via Twitter, commented on voting rights, "Well the concern is misplaced, because if you look at the statistics, African American voters are voting in just as high a percentage as Americans."
Mitch McConnell says Black people vote just as much as 'Americans'Mitch McConnell says Black people vote just as much as 'Americans'
Krystal LC Huang
This is a video which I used in the diversity class for discussion
Prejudice and Discrimination: Crash Course Psychology #39Prejudice and Discrimination: Crash Course Psychology #39
Krystal LC Huang
Sen. McConnell's slip reminds me of an episode discussed in my Diversity Studies classes, regarding MSNBC website reported "American beat out Kwan" as the day's Olympic -1998 headline when the teammate Tera Lipinski took the gold medal and Michelle got the silver.

Krystal LC Huang
Asian Groups Attack Msnbc Headline Referring To Kwan -- News Web Site Apologizes For Controversial Wording | The Seattle TimesAsian Groups Attack Msnbc Headline Referring To Kwan -- News Web Site Apologizes For Controversial Wording | The Seattle Times
Krystal LC Huang
Krystal LC Huang
Just found an old writing of 2016 about Housing Movements in Taiwan related to the the last piece posted above:
Krystal LC Huang
"The Earth without art, Eh...?"- a quote from Unknown.
Krystal LC Huang
A nice site:
Krystal LC Huang
Share my new Fun Projects - MyArtBook
Book One: Drawing, compiled an hour ago.
(Some homework when I was a student of this major.) Then, due to the heavy teaching loads, though more income (ya, to pay off my $60,000 accumulated tuitions), I reluctantly set aside the visual art-making for a while. A very pricy trade-off.
Book Two will include various types of painting, Book Three combines sculpture, printmaking, photography, ceramics, and the rest of mixed, craft/digital media; might include some of my art history teaching notes.
Stay tuned, if interested

(Unfortunately, the video exceeds the maximum space allowed.)
Krystal LC Huang
Share a couple of previous students' assignments/projects: E-ArtBook portfolios: ( I have their consents to post/share).

Art Book Book 756262 | Front CoverArt Book Book 756262 | Front Cover
Krystal LC Huang

My Art Attemps. Book 756278 | Front CoverMy Art Attemps. Book 756278 | Front Cover
Krystal LC Huang
All the students of each semester had to compile the individual assignments, individual and group projects, in-class journals, worksheets and field trips into a software that I demoed in the classrooms. Online students, unfortunately, did not have this privilege.
Jan. 20, (TH), 2022 The Lunar New Year of the Tiger falls on Feb. 1
Krystal LC Huang
Just checked, 2022, the lunar new year of the cats falls on February 1.
Happy Lunar New Year of the Cat!
Marcie Ba
I was born in 1950, year of the Tiger also?

Krystal LC Huang
Dear Marcie, wow, you are a young-looking tigress for 50!!
According to the traditional zodiac, the tigers and tigresses (38, 50, 62, 74, 86, 98, 10, 22) are brave, competitive, unpredictable, and confident. They are very charming and well-liked by others.
Tigers work actively and express themselves boldly, doing things in a high-handed manner. They are authoritative and never go back on what they have said!!
Well, just a reference

Marcie B
Thank you! My youngest daughter was born in 1974 and is a Tigress, too. She fits many of those descriptors.
Krystal LC Huang
Dear Marcie, wow, tiger mother tiger cub

The same age.

Marcie B

Krystal LC Huang
麗月 is my third elder sister. A couple of events I went out with her, and people would refer to her as my younger sister.
Marian S
I was born in the year of the tiger too!
Krystal LC Huang
Dear Prof. Marian, exactly, the charming tigress

Elizabeth W
My husband was born year of the tiger, I was born year of the dragon.
Krystal LC Huang
Elizabeth, an interesting match of tiger gentleman and dragon lady

Dragons are confident, intelligent, ambitious, persevering, and hardworking.
These two are strong signs in the traditional zodiac., particularly, the dragon. Many parents want dragon babies (tiger cubs too.)
There were several interesting studies regarding holding other variables constant to see the correlations between parents and society's high expectations of people with these strong signs and different types of achievements

Generally speaking, no one chooses his/her own sign or birthday (even other genetic makeups, particularly, related to race, class, gender, sexuality...etc. which have significant impacts on people's life chance and opportunities.) All baby signs are important, rat babies, cow babies, snake babies, ponies, kids, monkey babies, chics, puppies, piglets...all are cute and wonderful. All sentient beings need other beings to accomplish one another.

Krystal LC Huang
Of course, some researchers might not deem these types of research as serious as the traditional research topics.
Krystal LC Huang
Wow, this post captures several brave, charming, confident tigresses, cubs, and dragons

Krystal LC Huang
The explosion of the Hunga Tonga Hunga Ha’apai volcano. 15/01/2022
Krystal LC Huang
Tsunami triggered by a huge volcanic eruption under the Pacific ocean left towns across Tonga damaged, say reportsTsunami triggered by a huge volcanic eruption under the Pacific ocean left towns across Tonga damaged, say reports
Friday, January 14, 2022
Crystal Curriculum Vitae
Crystal LC Huang, is a writer, folksong melophile, visual art/social science educator, and "poetic" cultural-n-social critic.
Teaching Experience:
Fall 2003 to Spring 2020, faculty professor, teaching Art Appreciation, American Government, Diversity Studies, Psychology, Sociology, and Social Problems via multiple delivery formats (course designer and facilitator for the face to face, online, hybrid, ITV -Youth Option, Web-conference, and Accelerated/Evening alternative methods) at Chippewa Valley Technical College. (During the above teaching career, I also completed my terminal degree in 2015 through being a part-time student for 10 years. This could be an answer to some friends' curiosity why I did not teach at the 4-year college? In fact, students and I have some similarity regarding SES at the 2-year college environment that sustains my teaching enthusiasm.)
Spring 2000 to spring 2003, Lecturer, Sociology, University of Wisconsin-Stout
95-97, TA at the Wayne State College, NE
1. Taught “Introduction to Visual Arts” sections
2. Assisted Design, and Painting studio courses
3. Conducted workshop for Information Literacy and Library Automated System
Professional Experience:
2000 to 2003, adviser of Undecided Student Advisement Program, UW-Stout
1999 to 2000, program coordinator at the Undecided Student Advisement Office,
College of Arts and Sciences, UW-Stout
Nov.1997 to Jan.1999, Computer Layout Specialist in the Composing Department and
lifestyle columnist in the Editorial Department of the Dunn County News, Menomonie, WI
1992-93, library assistant, UW-Madison
Civil Servant:
1. Supervisor, the Supervisory Committee of the Congressional Aide Association of the Legislative Yuan (首屆立法院國會助理協會監委 Congress of Taiwan), Taipei
Job including: coordinating election campaigns, Congressional speech writing and serving constituencies.
(問政質詢總主筆, 競選文宣策劃, 選民服務)
2. Executive Secretary and member of Taipei Women Rescue Foundation (台北婦女救援會執行長)
3. Taiwan-China policy researcher at the Executive Yuan (研究考核委員會/大陸工作會報 - 陸委會前身 of the Central Government), Taipei
4. Journalist at the Ta Hwa Evening News, Taipei.
5. Cultural/English tour guide at the Ministry of
Transportation, Taipei, Taiwan. (交通部導遊 英語組)
6. Military educator, and English/Japanese instructor.
(Luckily, I won a full scholarship to study abroad through a nation-wide competition in 1990.)
Ph.D. Learning Technologies (previous Instructional Systems and Technology) , Department of Curriculum and Instruction, University of Minnesota-Twin Cities
Dissertation: Preferences, Pedagogical Strategies,
and Challenges of Instructors Teaching in Multiple Delivery Formats within A 2-Year College Context
M.S. Ed., Art Education, Wayne State College, Nebraska with a minor in Computer Science.
Research Project: Integrating Multimedia Technology into Art Curriculum with Classroom Implementation, 1997.
M.S. Sociology, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Major: Social Psychology focusing on Social Movements
Minors: Journalism and Women's Studies. Thesis Title: Multilevel Analysis of A Social Movement-1947, 228 Social Uprising in Taiwan, 1993.
M.S. Socio-political Science (the Graduate Institute of National Development), National Taiwan University. Thesis: Social Ideology and Gender Roles- Women's Issues in Contemporary society, 1986.
Special Training. Major: Military Education. Political Warfare Academy, Army of Taiwan (due to a national crisis, I joined the Army Academy).
B.A. Sociology, National Taiwan University.
Taipei Municipal First Girls' High School.
Areas of Interests
Innovation in Online Education Programs
TPACK Integration of Emerging Technologies
Equity and Quality of Diverse Learning in the Digital Age
Learning Technologies in the post-secondary educational setting
Interdisciplinary collaborative (Education, Social Science, and Technologies) Learning
Interpersonal, enthusiastic, and helpful with strong work ethics
Multiple language ability: Taiwanese, Mandarin, English, and Japanese
Have taken computer science as a minor (2001-2003).
Knowledgeable of C++, JAVA, Assembly language and Web Design
CMS/LMS: BlackBoard, WebCT, E360, Moodle, Joomla.
General Software application: Multi-aid, QuarkXpress, Pagemaker.
2010,Hyperstudio, Inspiration and variety of social media applications
Authorize tools: Macromedia (DreamWeaver, and Flash)
Web 3.0, Blog 2.0., Cloud Computing,
Photoshop/Photodeluxe, Premiere, Illustrator
PC and Mac proficiency
Visual-art making (2-D: Calligraphy; drawing, traditional ink/painting and mixed media;
3-D: mainly, ceramics and other mixed media
Trained quantitative, qualitative and mixed research methods
Statistic software: Spssx, MaxQDA2, and Minitab
Canvas/E360/BlackBoard/WebCT/Joomla - LMS (Learning management system) Teaching Certificates from UW-Stout and CVTC
Hybrid/blended and Web-conference training Certificates from CVTC
Quality Matters Certified Peer-Reviewer
Web Design and ITV Certificates from UW-Stout
General and Special Higher Civil Service Certificates from Taiwan
Academic Activities and Professional Development
Research, Papers, Posters, Projects, publications, and Professional Development
1993, Title :The February 28, 1947 Uprising in Taiwan:
A Multi-leveled Analysis of Collective Actions Author Li-Chin (Crystal) Huang
Publisher: University of Wisconsin--Madison, 1993
Digitized Feb 19, 2008. Length 172 pages;view=1up;seq=12
2004, Title: The Wonder of Tao: A Meditation on Spirituality and Ecological Balance.
Author: James Eggert.
Illustrations and Calligraphy by Li-chin (Crystal) Huang
Green Dragon Publishing. Printed in the United States of America and
the United Kingdom.
2018 Title: A Mystic Flow. Poems.
Publisher: Xena Crystal LC Huang
2015, Dissertation: Preferences, Pedagogical Strategies,and Challenges of Instructors Teaching in Multiple Delivery Formats within A 2-Year College Context. Dept. of Curriculum and Instruction, Learning Technologies (previous Instructional System and Technology), University of Minnesota-Twin Cities.
1997, Thesis Research Project: Integrating Multimedia Technology into Art Curriculum with Classroom Implementation. Wayne State College.
1986, Thesis: Social Ideology and Gender Roles- Women's Issues in Contemporary society. Socio-political Science (the Graduate Institute of National Development), National Taiwan University.
Research Papers/Publications, Posters, and Projects
2017, Internationalizing the Curriculum Conference, Panelist, 2017
Apr 13, 2017 publication description Crystal Li-chin Huang Learning-Teaching-Sharing BlogTitle: “The Voice of Faculty and Staff”
2012, title: Integrate Learning Technologies into A Social Science Course-Race, Ethnicity and Diversity Studies
Presented at the 28th Distance Teaching and Learning Conference
at UW-Madison, Aug, 2012.
Paper published in the Conference proceedings.
2012, Project Presentation- STEMSS
Project presentation to the future- STEM scientists for the local district.
2009, Title: “What is the Lived Experience of Designing and Teaching Multiple Delivery Methods -Live Meeting, Hybrid, Online, and Face To Face (f2f) within a Semester at a Technical College Setting”?
Paper presented at the 2009 AECT International Convention, Louisville, KY
Published in the Convention Proceedings, and in the ERIC
2009, Title: Learning Information Technologies as Empowering Tools to Narrow the Gender Gap in the Rural-Urban Spectrum - a Review from Global to Domestic Perspective (Project Leader: Dr. Susan Walker)
Paper presented at the 2009 AECT International Convention, Louisville, KY
Published in the Convention Proceedings, and in the ERIC
2008, Title: Beauty and Artistic Beauty
Presented at University of Minnesota-Twin Cities, 2008
2008, Title: Green and Dao
“The Wonder of the Tao-Six Meditation on Science, Spirit,
and the Future of Economics”
Presented at University of Minnesota- Twin Cities, 2008
2008, Title: Freedom Writers
Presented at University of Minnesota- Twin Cities, 2008
The next 5 research projects, due to my job descriptions (mainly, as hired in a Non-Research Institution of a 2-year college setting, the dir. of professional development (a male) at that time/2010, informed me that the school budget supported attendees, but not the researcher-presenters), I was unable to attend/present to the following conferences.
2015, Research proposal: Title:
“How Could It Be, Two Identical Online Deliveries in One Composite, and One Did So Well,
While the Other…” , accepted by Association of Educational Communication and Technologies (AECT) for presentation
at the 2015 International Conference.
2010, Research proposal. Title:
“Struggles and Triumphs– A Female Minority Social Science
Instructor’s Reflection on Sociology Web-conference Course in
Facilitating Disadvantaged Learners”,
accepted by Association of Educational Communication and
Technologies (AECT) for a presentation
at the 2015 International Convention.
2010, Research proposal: Title:
“From Quantity to Quality - Quality Matters! But, What and How Does It Matter?
– Pursuing Online Courses Quality Assurance One Step at
A Time!” accepted by the Association of Educational
Communication and Technologies (AECT)
for a presentation at the 2015 International Convention.
2010, Research proposal. Title:
“Live Meeting: Web-conference Triumph in Sociology Course
facilitation”, accepted by the League of Innovation for a
presentation at the 2010 Maryland Conference.
2010, Research proposal. Title:
“Constructing a Bio-ecological System of Teaching and Learning Environment for 2-year College”, accepted by the League of Innovation 2010 Maryland Conference
2008, Quantitative Research Project. Title:“Do The Knowledge Of Using The Internet And The Annual Income Level Affect The Total Life Skill Assessments Of Rural Low Income Mothers”? University of Minnesota - Twin Cities (as part of my collaborative research projects)
2008, Co-presenter: The 16th Midwest Quality Research Conference
Topic: “The Lived Experience of Relocated Teachers in Korea”,
at St. Thomas University.
2008, Co-presenter: “A Brief Introduction to the Multimedia
Enhancer” at UW-Stout.
2008, Co-presenter: “A Mini-presentation: A brief of CMS”
at UW-Stout
2007-8, Collaborative Research Project: Joined the “Rural
Families Speak”
– A Multistate, Longitudinal and Multidisciplinary research
project, focusing on low-income women’s using information
technology, University of Minnesota - Twin Cities.
2007, research project presentation. Title: “Reflection on the Pedagogies of the Oppressor and the
Oppressed”, at University of Minnesota - Twin Cities
2007 The Four Asian Dragons.
Presented at Professor Husby's International Business program
2006, Research paper: Exploration of PCTMK Model of Hybrid Teaching.
Published as an Op-Ed in the Dunn County News.
2004, Collaborative project.
Assisting professor emeritus Jim Eggert as a translator and
illustrator of the Book-
“The Wonder of the Tao- A Meditation on Spirituality &
Ecological Balance”. FL: Brumby Holding, Inc.
2004, Panelist, UW-System Women's Study Consortium
Topic: “A Hermeneutic Phenomenological Study of Childless
Issues in Contemporary American Society”, at UW-Stout.
2003, Keynote speaker:
Annual Spring Awards and Recognition of Multicultural Student Services at UW-Stout.
2003, Presenter, “A Cultural Sojourner's ‘Courage to teach’ in
Intro-Sociology”, at UW-Stout.
2002, Poster presentation, Student and Faculty Research Day:
”An Action Research Report on a Spontaneous Thematic
Pedagogy in Intro-Sociology”, at UW-Stout.
2002, Panelist- International Forum
AAUW Midwest Regional Conference Presentation:
1.“The Trajectory of Women's Transformation via Education
- 3 Women's Stories”, at Rapid City, South Dakota calligraphy/
2. Story-telling
2001, Teaching Day Display,
“Sociological Pedagogy-Blending Teaching Strategy to Empower Student Active Learning”, at UW-Stout.
2001, Presenter, Professional Development Day:
“Enhancing Active Teaching/Learning Via Electronic application” at UW-Stout.
2001, Research paper:
“A Thematic Approach of Teaching Sociology during September
11th Crisis”, accepted to the Midwest Sociologist Conference
2014 Diversity Pedagogical Project
-The Gettysburg Address recorded in English, Mandarin,
and Taiwanese
Affiliations /Associations
American Education and Research Association (AERA)
Association for Educational Communications and Technologies (AECT)
International Society for Technology Education (ISTE)
Association for Career and Technical Education (ACTE)
Wisconsin Association for Career and Technical Education (WACTE)
National Educational Computing Conference (NECC)
American Sociological Association.
Member of American Association of University Women (AAUW)
Governance Involvements
Executive Secretary of Li-ling Huang Gender Equity Memorial Endowment at Chippewa Valley Technical College (CVTC). (2016 to present).
Sponsor of the Tsai-Huang Memorial Endowment Scholarship at CVTC. (2007 to present).
Adviser of Art Club at CVTC (2016 to present).
Adviser of Diversity Student Organization at CVTC (2011-2013).
Co-chair of Professional Development Committee of
Chippewa Valley Technical College Career and Technical Education Association (2009-2011).
Chair of the Chippewa Valley Technical College Education Association Scholarship Foundation (2010 to present).
CVACTE Event/Year Book Coordinator (2010-11).
Representative of ALC (Academic Leadership Council –WTCS).
Representative to the Advisory Committees of Renal Dialysis, Surgical Technician programs.
Course representative of Art Appreciation and Diversity Studies.
Nominations and Awards
2019, nominated to the Teaching Excellent Award at Chippewa Valley Technical College.
2013, nominated to the Teaching Excellent Award at Chippewa Valley Technical College.
2010, nominated to the Teaching Excellent Award at Chippewa Valley Technical College.
2006, nominated and the recipient of the Regional Outstanding Teacher of Chippewa Valley Technical College.
2001, nominated and the recipient of the Outstanding Contribution to UW-System and Women of Color representing UW-Stout in 2001.
Activities in Taiwan
1989-1990 Taiwan-China policy researcher at the Executive Yuan
(大陸工作會報兩岸政策研究員 - 陸委會前身
Central Government), Taipei.
- 1988: Elected as the Supervisor
of the National Congressional Assistant Association, Taipei.
- 1987-88: Delegate of Taiwan, invited
by both Congresses of Taiwan and the U.S. to observe the
Primaries and Causes in New Hampshire and Iowa as well as
followed the Presidential campaign trails.
- 1985-88
1. Journalist at the Ta Hwa Evening News, Taipei.
2. Cultural/English tour guide at the Ministry of
Transportation, Taipei, Taiwan.
the Speech Writer in the Congress.
(問政質詢總主筆, 競選文宣策劃, 選民服務)
4. Executive Secretary and member of Taipei
Women Rescue Foundation. (台北婦女救援會執行秘書長)
1985-87 Congressional aide at the Legislative Yuan
(首屆立法院 國會助理 Congress of Taiwan), Taipei
Job including: coordinating election campaigns,
Congressional speech writer (問政質詢總主筆)
and serving constituencies.
- 1984-85: Summer and Winter Camp Speaker. (奉派執行冬令夏令營巡迴演講)
Previous career:
Military educator, and English/Japanese instructor at
Chung-San girls' High School, Chung-Sing University,
Taipei-Tech College, and Chang-Shu high school.
Grad Student Activities:
College and Graduate School at National Taiwan University
- Vice Chairperson
of the Graduate Association of National Taiwan University.
- Due to a National Crisis, I joined the Army Academic.
A retired Captain since 1985.
- Four semesters top 3% students of Sociology Department,
National Taiwan University.
- Selected, members of softball and volleyball varsity teams,
National Taiwan University.
Non-Academic Publications/Writing:
· Calligrapher and illustrator
of The Wonder of the Tao-Six Meditation on Science, Spirit,
and the Future of Economics by Jim Eggert.
A Human Trade Group Publisher, FL., 2004.
· Karma Ode, Burning Snow-Poetry, 2002, (in process).
· "Introductory Miao (Hmong) History and Culture by Tinqgui Li":
Translation,(collaborated with Steve Vang.) Wisconsin, UW-Stout. 2001.
· A Comprehensive History of the Chinese Miao (Hmong) by Xingfue Vue.
Translation. (collaborated with Steve Vang.), Wisconsin, UW-Stout, 2001.
· 10 articles related to cultural phenomena
for the Dunn County News, 1998-1999:
1. A thought to the Humane Society.
2. Homeopathy- a look from a tradition medical perspective.
3. The sociocultural perspective to Mulan.
4. Gua Sha-the traditional home remedy.
5. Halloween in the U.S. vs. Ghost Festival in Asia.
6. Organic products and its co-op practice.
7. Bosnia first hand report-Military sisters.
8. A cultural-sojourner's multicultural perspective.
9. Mini international house-visit the "Sharon the ambassador".
10.The legends behind Chinese New Year in Taiwan.
Selected writing/proposals as A Congressional Aide:
· “Women and Social Order,”
The Research and Assessment Monthly, Taipei, Taiwan, 1990.
· “The Interpellation to the Central Government”
- a compilation of 3 volumes (300 articles) relating to social welfare
and political system reformation drafted by me when working at
Some articles related to Women's issues are:
1. A proposal for "Equal Right, Equal Pay and Equal Opportunity of Employment
for both genders." September 29th,1987, the 80th session Legislative Yuan.
2. A proposal to Establish the "'Ministry of Women's Affairs'
to implement the Social Welfare for Women."
January 6th, 1988, the 80th, session, Legislative Yuan.
3. An interpellation on the issue of the Dilemma of
Single Parent and Divorced Women. January 19th,
1988.the 80th session, Legislative Yuan.
4. An interpellation on the issue of "the Myth of Marriage and
Increasingly Dysfunctional Families in contemporary society."
January 18th, 1987, the 80th session, Legislative Yuan.
· Personal Quantitative Research Project:
"Gender and Political Tolerance-The Study of Dane County,
Wisconsin." UW-Madison, 1992.
Enjoy reading, writing, poetry, music, cooking, visual art-making, nature and pet-caring.
Like to play basketball, ping pong, volleyball, tennis, softball, swimming, and hiking.
Li-chin (Crystal) Huang
Learning and Teaching of Crystal Li-chin Huang
- Mar. 8 (Sa,) 2025 Wealth, Power, and Sex - on this 109th International Women's Day - 3/8/2025
- Mar. 8 (Sa,) 2025 The 109th anniversary of International Women's Day. - 3/8/2025
- Mar. 7 (F,) 2025 The flying moth/ 飛蛾撲火 - 3/7/2025
- Mar. 7 (F,) 2025 Weekly fb fun sharing - 3/7/2025
- March 5 (W,) 2025 Advance as sharp as the spearhead, recoil speedily. / 進銳退速. - 3/5/2025