Sociology Course Information and Students' E-portfolio Project Examples

Sociology, Syllabus, and Lesson Plans

For my Sociology classes - Day One, Welcome



Lesson Plans
Unit 1

Students' E-portfolio - randomly selected examples 
 : Introduction to Sociology Amanda Christina Emily Savanna Wyatt

Sp 17 soc portfolio - Transfer Track Maddy Annika Wyatt Thang

Sp 17 soc 100 portfolio projects Emily Dan Christina Maddy Annika Wyatt Thang

Fall 2018 403 Sociology first half semester project

Sociology section 406

Spring 2019  Sociology Daily Reminders
W17 Final exam
Date: 05/16/19
Ladies and gentlemen,
Just a kind reminder:
1. I got a notice that our classroom was moved to 228.
So I will be at 228 from 12:30-2:00 pm. today (5/16 R).

2. Chap 23 online exam will begin at 12:30-2:00  pm.
Log on E360, click Lesson 8, under the worksheet, you will find the test.
Read the instructions.
Email me if you have questions.
Good luck.
Mark readExam
Date: 05/16/19
Ladies and gentlemen,
The exam will begin at 12:30 pm. today
Are you ready?
I am at room 228 now. Email me if you encounter technical issues.
Good luck!
Mark read5/14 (T)
Date: 05/14/19
Ladies and gentlemen,
Today thanks for video sharing:  Jordan, Lexi, Mariah, Matt and Paul.

Regarding Social Movements/Social Change: Kony 12,
this movement ended up with a little bit of controversy.  But the evolution from a basic friendship (small social structure) expanding into a global Youth Movement deserves our learning and understanding.
There are sequels  for this movement. If you are interested, you can browse them.

The final exam is on Chap 23 via online Test.
Time: 5/16 (Th) from 12:30-2:00 pm. 
Contents: 30 questions for 60 points. 3 questions for extra points.
Attempts: 3
Keep in mind: E360 only record the score of the last attempt.

So use attempts wisely! 
How to take the  test?
1. Log on E360 Unit 8 lesson link to find the test link.
2. I will be in the classroom 228  to answer technical issues.
    You can bring in a laptop to the classroom, or any where
     you feel comfortable to take the test.

Note,  If you have any questions regarding the course work or grades,
stop by our classroom after you finish the test if time available.
I am happy to go through your gradebook or read your make-up work.

Good luck.
Mark readOpportunity for extra credits!
Date: 05/10/19
Extra points – Opportunity:

Write an essay including the following steps:

1. What have your learned from sociology?
     At least 300 words.   10 points.

2. Which parts of learning help you understand society better?
     Provide at least 5 items/ideas/theories.
     At least 100 words.    5 points

3.  Provide 5 items/ideas/theories that you can apply in your life, family,
     community and career.
     Explain how you can apply them in life.
     at least 100 words.   5 points.

4. Add word count (1 points). Total 21 points. But excellent writing and efforts, you might earn more points.

Submit to dropbox before 5/16 (Th) 4:30 pm. 
Mark read5/9 (R)
Date: 05/09/19
Ladies and gentlemen,
Today thanks to  share terms: Alyssa, Jordan, Lexi, Mariah, and Matt +3p.
Then I highlighted some key points of chap 23.
Your videos will be shared on next Tuesday.
I collected your terms.
Earned scores of today: Attn5p, video5p, terms sharing3p.
1. In Unit 8 lesson plan link, download chaps 23-25 worksheet.
    Complete chap 24 question#H, and #I two essay questions.
    Print off and bring in for peer reviews.
    Then post 2 pressing social movement videos on Week 17 Discussion.
    Same criteria as chap 23 (Summary, a question, a solution total 10p).

3. Check your gradebook.
    Any empty gradecell means I don't have your work, or I did not record.
    Let me know.  Missing work can earn partial points, due on 5/14 (T).
    After 5/14 (T), all the empty gradecells will turn into 0 point which 
    will affect your final grade a lot.

Note: Review chap 23
          Final exam is on Chap 23 via online Test.
          Time: 5/16 (R) from 12:30 - 2:00 pm

          Log in Unit 7 lesson link to find it.
          I will be in the classroom to answer technical issues.
          You can bring in a laptop to the classroom, or any where
           you feel comfortable to take the test.
          Details, will be explained on coming Tuesday.

Email me if you have questions.  Crystal
Mark read5/7 (T)
Date: 05/07/19
Ladies and gentlemen,
Today I returned social institution movie analysis and takehome test.
I briefly introduced chap 23 with videos and stories. Sharing: Lexi, Matt, and Lexi.
We will continue to share your terms and videos on Thursday.
Earned scores of today; Attn5p, Chap2410p, terms10p, movie analysis30p, and takehome47p.
1. Read chap 23 and do:
2. Population, Urbanization and Environment.
You choose 2 topics from these 3 : population, Urbanization and Environment.
     Then log on line to browse and select the most recent and pressing videos
​     related to each of your chosen topics.
     Hyperlinked (1 point to each), Copy and Paste to Discussion (1 point to each). 4 points.
2. Summarize each video with at least 50+ words. (Each summary is 3 points). 6 points.
3. Raise 1 question 
to the video watched.  (2 points).
4. Propose at least 2 possible (or hypothetical) solutions to the question. (Each potential solution is 2 points).
    Total is 14 points.   Due on coming Wednesday 5/8 before class begins.
5. Bring in your terms.

Email me if you have questions.  Crystal
Mark read5/2 (R)
Date: 05/03/19
Ladies and gentlemen,
Today I gave a warm-up Kahoot Jumble test on Homestead strike movie analysis.
Peers did the movie analysis peer review and a mini-presentation: Cole, Jordan, Matt and Paul.
I briefly reviewed part of social institutions.
Earned score of today: Attn5p, Jumble test10p, peer review2p.
I collected analysis paper and takehome exam ( will be graded soon.)
1. Read chap 23.  Select 10 terms (vocabulary).
   Type up definitions and associate with an image to each term.
    10 points.  Print off for a mini-presentation.
2. Preview chap 24.
    Print off lecture notes with highlight (10p).
​    Bring in next Tuesday.
Email me if you have questions.  Crystal 
Mark read4/30 (T)
Date: 04/30/19
Ladies and gentlemen,
I checked chap 23 preview and print off, as well as the takehome test.
I explained in details regarding how to write a wonderful movie analysis
from institutional/structural perspectives via Homestead strike and part of Roger and Me.
We did not have time to do exam correction.
Earned score of today: Attn5p, chap2310p, analysis10p.

1. Review social institutions.
    Do well on movie analysis.
​    Print off and bring in on coming Thursday for peer review.
2. Also bring in the takehome test.

Email me if you have questions.  Crystal
Mark readW14
Date: 04/25/19
Ladies and gentlemen,
I checked takehome test (chaps 17, 18 and 19 question completion) 5p.
Today's presenters/teams:
T3: Lexi, Mariah completed game. T4: Cole, Jack; T5: Alyssa
I collected your peer mutual grading sheet.
Earned score of today: attn5p, grading5p, game5p for each team, Takehome 5p.
1. Though I did not ask the print off chap 18, 19, 20(government, family, religion),
     chap 21, 22 (education, health/medicine), you need to review from
     lecture notes/PowerPoint in the Unit 7 Lesson Link and the textbook.
     Complete the takehome test (economy, government, family, religion and education).
     Complete and bring in on coming Tuesday (4/30) for correction.
2. Preview chap 23 Population, Urbanization and Environment.
    Print off, highlight (5p, 5p), and bring in for checking.
3. Movie analysis is due on next Thursday (5/2).
    Extra points (depending on efforts and ideas):
    Explain how the institutions/social structures you identified
    interact one another in affecting the individual(s) in the movie/documentary.
Keep up the good work. Email me if you have questions.  Crystal 
Mark read4/23 (T)
Date: 04/23/19
Ladies and gentlemen,
Today was you and your team's show time!
This is the only team project for a formal presentation of this semester!
Everyone values other peers' efforts to present the project outcome for sharing.
Presenters/teams of today:
T1: Caelin, Paul; T2: Jordan, Matt; T3:  Lexi, Mariah (will be continued)
The rest of teams will present on 4/25 (Th).
Earned score of today:
For each presentation you earned attn5p, grading5p, review game5p.
1. Don't forget to post the final PPTX version (if your team is not in the Microsoft PPTX format).
2. In the current lesson plan, under the PowerPoint you can find the Take-home test.
    Download and complete Economy, Politics and family.
    Print off and bring in on 4/25 (Th) for checking
 (The whole test is due on coming Tuesday 4/30)
2. Movie analysis: work-in-progress, which will be due on coming Thursday (5/2)
Email me if you have questions.
Mark read4/18 (R)
Date: 04/19/19
Ladies and gentlemen,
Today I returned chaps 11-13 worksheet and takehome test.
Some peers submitted incomplete. If you want to earn some partial points,
you can turn in a revised version.
I gave a review quiz, and then continued chaps 17-18 some basic
economic and political concepts and their roots.
You did an activity to know own political ideology (10p).
I shared a documentary - Homestead Strike, and briefly explained how to apply soc ideas to watch movies.
I did not have time to show another movie-documentary.
Earned score of today: attn5p, review quiz5p,  and ideology worksheet10p.
1. Modify your team project.
    The final version is due on 4/21 (Sn) at 10 pm.
    Post on Discussion.
     Any post after that will be counted as late.
     After your presentation, I will ask each peer's contribution to the project.
     That means even the completed project, team members might earn different score.

2. Start watching your chosen movie (select one from your 3).
    Follow Social institution movie write-up instruction.
    Try to draft (not required at this moment).  But start early, tentatively due on 4/30 (T) in class.
Email me if you have questions.
Another kind reminder:  After you post the team project, you need to prepare for a formal presentation.
A good way to do well is to make some index cards in your hand to help organize your thoughts.
Coming Tuesday (4/23):
Teams (chaps 17, 18 and 19) of Work/Economy,  Government/Politics and Family will present.
I will bring in peer mutual grading sheets.
Let me know if you have questions.
Mark read4/16 (T)
Date: 04/16/19
Ladies and gentlemen,
Today I sped up a little bit (we missed last Thursday).
I reminded you of the team project info that might help your group present well.
I reviewed Global Stratification with a couple of videos (5 points).
You participated in grading and reviewed worksheet (5p).  I will grade the takehome test.
I explained the Social institution writing project.
I introduced Social institutions and touched on chap 17 economy and work.
Earned score of today: Attn5p, peer reivew5p, sttratification videos5p,
takehome38p, and worksheet39p.
1. Complete at least 90% of the team project.
    Bring in any device for checking.
    Due on 4/21(Sn). Post on Discussion.
2. Team presentation will begin on next Tuesday.
3. Bring in 3 movie titles (have watched or plan to watch) 3 points.
4. A warm-up quiz about today's basic info will be given.
Email me if you have questions.
Mark read4/10 (W)
Date: 04/10/19
Ladies and gentlemen,
Just a short note:  today (4'/10 W) the office hours from 12:30 to 2:00 pm. was moved to
8:00 to 9:30 am. room 11E (only today).
If you have edu-game questions, please stop by. I can show you examples.
Mark read4/9 (T) class notes and reminder
Date: 04/09/19
Ladies and gentlemen,
Today we did social event sharing.  I checked the game design.
You did a Kahoot edu game quiz. Then I continued to social class with videos, writing and discussion.
I briefly touched on global stratification.
Earned score of today: Attn5p, events3p, gamequiz10p, game5p, video writing and
discussion10p: Cole, Jack, Mariah, and Matt,
1. Review chap 9 and 10.
    Complete take home test.  Bring in.
2. Staple terms and images with completed essays.
    Bring in the worksheet packet.  Without staple, 2 point deduction.
3. Continue working on the team project.
Email me if you have questions.  Crystal 
Mark read4/4 (T)
Date: 04/04/19
Ladies and gentlemen,
Today we began with social event sharing 3p. Attendance5p.
Then I checked checked chap 13 notes 5p and HL 5p.
You completed in-class warm-up quizzes (10p).
I continued social class video with 3 questions (3p).
I showed you edu-game design examples and resources.
Score earned today: attn5p, events3p, ch13notesHL10p, quizzed10p. video questions3p.
1. Read chap 13 Globalization.
2. Keep on working team project.
    I  used life journey map and team project to sub for a research paper.
3. Draft step 7  Educational game design.
       Some Educational game sites for reference
        (In fact, some high school edu-games are very good for adoption)

1. 50 best educational games for college students
2. 6 Interactive Classroom Activities for College Students
3. 10 Outstanding Educational Games for Students

Bring in a creative, interactive, fun game design 0 a draft is O.K. 
(10 questions with keys to help peers focused
and have fun!)  10 questions are 15 points.  Design is 5 points.
The draft is 10 points.  Bring in on coming Tuesday for checking.

Note.  the whole worksheet of chaps11-13 and takehome test are due on
coming Thursday (4/11)
Email me if you have questions.  Crystal 
Mark read4/2 (T)
Date: 04/02/19
Ladies and gentlemen,
Today thanks for sharing: Alyssa, Caelin, Cole, Jordan, Matt, Mariah, and Paul.
I continued stratification.
Earned score of today: Attn5p, events3p, chap12note/HL 10, takehome5p.
1, Preview chap 13.
    Print off, HL and bring in.
2. Complete project steps 1-4.
    Draft is O.K.  You can modify later.
    Bring in any device to prove.10p.
3, Note: The whole chaps11 to13 worksheet (terms and essays)
    will be due on next Thursday (4/11) with print off.
Email me if you have questions. Crystal
Mark readLiberal Arts Advising Day
Date: 03/29/19
Ladies and gentlemen,
Our Art Appreciation is part of the Liberal Arts curriculum.
On coming Monday, our school offers a day for Liberal Arts advising.
From 8 to 4 pm. at room 103 A and B. Each session is one hour.
You have many sessions to choose from or fit your schedule.
If you need more information regarding the programs and transfer issues, please attend.
Don't miss out his important opportunity.
Mark read3/28 (R)
Date: 03/28/19
Ladies and gentlemen,
Today you shared 3 social events 3p.
Then I checked chap11 print-off and HL10p and terms 10p.
I introduced the only team project of this semester on social institutions
(next unit of learning),
Chap 17 Economy/work: Caelin and Paul.
Chap 18 Politics/Government:  Jordan and Matt.
Chap 19: Family : Lexi and Miarah
Chap 20: Religion: Cole and Jack
Chap 21: Education.
Chap 22: Medicine: Crystal and Brianna.
We went through the project guidelines and decided the due date on 4/21 (Sn).
I outlined chap 11 Stratification with a video, questions, and discussion: Mariah, Matt, Alyssa, and Jack.
We ran out of time for discussion.
Earned score of today; Attn5p, events3p, ch11printHL10p, terms10p, videoquestions3p
1. Preview chap 12.   Print off and HL. 10p. Bring in next time.
2. Download this Unit takehome (36q).  Complete 50% and bring in for checking.
3. Read your project chapter sources and complete steps 1 to 3.
    Draft is O.K. or any method to prove the 3 steps were done.
Email me if you have questions. Crystal
Mark read3/26 (T)
Date: 03/26/19
Ladies and gentlemen,
Today we did 3 social events sharing: Crystal, Caelin, Jordan, Jack,  Lexi, Matt, and Paul.
Then I checked chap 8 print off and highlights.
I briefly went through chap 8 via PowerPoint, and then video with a slip/mini-worksheet (9p).
A short discussion and conclusion wrapped up today's session.
Earned score today: attn5p, events3p, ch8notes/highlights10p, mini-worksheet9p.
1. Preview chap 11 social stratification.
    Print off lecture notes and highlights (10p).
    Bring in for checking.
2. Download this unit worksheet.
    Complete the terms (some from chap 12 or 13).
    Do the best you can.
    Print off and bring in for co-teaching.
Email me if you have questions.  Crystal 
Mark read3/14 (R)
Date: 03/14/19
Ladies and gentlemen,

Today you shared social events.
Then I completed the last theories of Deviance to wrap up this chapter.
You did peer review on Chap 10 worksheet essay part, then corrected the takehome test.
Finally I showed 2 videos from individual and institutional aspects :
Lee and Prison-Industiral-complex related to the sociological perspectives.

You reported the scores of chap 8 Groups and Organizations lecture notes and highlights.
Earned score of today: Attn5p, events3p, terms10p, essays25p, takehome30p.

Bring in Chap 8 groups and org lecture notes with highlights
on Tuesday after the Spring break.

Email me if you have questions.
Mark read3/12 (T)
Date: 03/12/19
Ladies and gentlemen,
Today you shared the social events (3p).
Then I showed an introduction to Deviance video for 5 questions (5p)
and group discussion (5p).
Based on your questions, I tied to different deviance theories.
Earned points: Attn5p, social event 3p, video5Q5p, and discussion 5p.
1. Review chap 10.
2,. Double check your essay questions.
     Pay attention to question#1 and Robert Merton's Strain theory.
     You need to complete thoroughly to earn full points.
     Staple terms with essays. Bring in on Thursday.
3Then complete the takehome quiz.
     Print off and bring in for correction.
4. Preview chap 8 Groups and Organization.
    Print off chap 8 lecture notes (5p) and highlights (5p).
Email me if you have questions.
Mark read3/7 (R)
Date: 03/07/19
Ladies and gentlemen,
Today thanks for sharing social events.
Then you did Andy Williams case study- 2 questions and discussion.
We watched part of Jeffrey Dahmer's documentary to compare to Andy's case.
I checked chap10 lecture notes/highlight with your mini-presentation.
Contributors: Caetlin, Cole, Jack, Lexi, Mariah, Matt, and Paul (If I missed your name, let me know).
Earned score of today: Attn5p, social events3p, case study 10p,
chap10 notes/highlights 10p, and terms 10p. 2 extra credits for presenters.
1. Read chap 10 carefully.
2. Complete chap 10 essay part.
    Do the best you can. Type up, stapled with terms (for next Tuesday 3/12)
    You can modify by pencil next Tuesday when I cover the theories and details.
3. Chap 10 take-home test is available which needs to be completed on coming Thursday (3/14).
    I will remind you on Tuesday.
Email me if you have questions.
Mark readweek 7
Date: 03/05/19
Ladies and gentlemen,
Today you shared 3 social events (3p) Attendance/participation 5p.
I completed the last part of chap 5 and corrected the takehome test (43p)
Life Journey project presenters: Jack, Lexi, Matt, Miarah, and Jordan (for extra points).
I showed Andy Williams event for case study.
Discussion will be continued on Thursday- focusing on two questions 
A: What were factors affecting this even to happen?
B: What are potential solutions to prevent it from happening again?

I collected the final version of Chaps5+6 worksheet.
Earned score for today: attn5p, events3p, test43p, project35p.
1. Bring in your final version of chaps 5+6 worksheet if you did not turn in today.
2. Preview chap 10 Deviance.
    Print of the lecture notes (5p)
    Read with highlights (5p).
3. Download chap 10 worksheet.
    Do the definition (terms) part.
    Print off. Bring in.
Email me if you have questions.  Crystal
Mark readWeek 6
Date: 02/28/19
Ladies and gentlemen,
Today, in order to save time I did not let you do the social event report (but you earned 3p).
Then Paul and Matt co-presented with me through soc/psy theories.
I showed Piaget's cognitive developmental episodes and Harry Harlow's monkey videos (15 points)
Total earned points, including attendance 5p, is 23 points.
I collected the whole worksheet of chaps5+6.
1. Read chap 5 soc/psy theories regarding human development carefully.
    You need these to complete test and the life journey project
    Do the best you can.
2. Complete chaps 5+6 take home test. Print off and bring in on coming Tuesday.
    If you need to modify your chaps 5+6 worksheet, then bring in on coming Tuesday as well.
3. Bring in the journey map project final version.
    I will ask volunteers' mini-presentation on coming Tuesday.
    1. 10 significant stops in your life
        (preferred 5 are smooth and 5 are challenging.)
        So you can analyze from various perspectives.
    2. Apply 5 terms and 5 theories (or a part of theory is fine).
        Give each stop of your life an explanation or analysis
         related to a term or a theory.
        Each explanation/analysis is 3 points.
     3. Visual design 5 points.
Total is 35 points (extra efforts will earn extra points).
Email me if you have questions.
Mark readSOC 2/26 (T)
Date: 02/26/19
Ladies and gentlemen,
Today you reported 3 social events (3p).
I returned chap 2 worksheet and exam (21+25p).
Then I checked the life journey map (10p).
We did co-teaching about terms (9+2p).
I went through ascribed vs. achieved exercises (10p).
1. Review chap 5, focusing on soc/psy theories.
2. Complete chap 5 worksheet the essay part.
    Hand-written as a draft.  Do the best you can.
    If you complete well (without misunderstanding or
    with wrong answers), then you don't have to re-type.
3. Print off chaps 5+6 takehome test.
    Bring in on coming Thursday.
Email me if you have questions.
Mark read2/21 (R)
Date: 02/21/19
Ladies and gentlemen,
Thanks for sharing social events and good deeds. 3 points
(Every class sessions you will write 3 news events (local to global. One of them is your good deed).
Then I reviewed chap 3 through Window Traveling. 10 episodes for 20 points.
I briefly introduced chaps 5 and 6 as a unit about human development through Socialization.
I collected chap 3 test and revised chap 3 worksheet.
Earned score of today:
Social events 3p, attendance 5p, 10 window travel writing 20p,
chap5 lecture notes 5p, hightlights 5p
Total is 38p.
1. Keep on reading chap 5.
2. Download chaps 5+6 worksheet.
    Complete the terms with images.

    Bring in for co-teaching.
3. Draft a Life Journey Map with 10 stops/milestones
    which have significance in your life (for better or worse).
    After chap 5 coverage, you will complete a hands-on project
    based on your life journey map.
Email me if you have questions.  Crystal
Mark read2/19 (R)
Date: 02/19/19
Ladies and gentlemen,
We began with 3 social events to warm up the class (3p).
Then we had a co-teaching activity with chap 3 worksheet:
Mini-teachers: Alyssa, Brianna, Caelin, Cole, Crystal, Jack, Jordan, Lexi, Mariah, Matt, and Paul (2 points).
Then I covered the rest of terms with examples.
Earned score of today:  Attn 5p, 3 event sharing (3+p),  co-teaching 2p, 
1. Review chap 3. Modify your chap 3 worksheet. Complete the missing items.
    Bring in coming Thursday.
2. I will give a brief review quiz on chap 3 (About today's coverage).
3. Will continue chap 3 and move on chaps 4+5 as a unit.
    Preview chap 5- Socialization, Print off Lecture Notes (5p), highlights (5p).
    Bring in on Thursday.
Email me if you have questions.
Mark read2/14 (R) class notes
Date: 02/14/19
Ladies and gentlemen,
Today we began with sharing social events (3 peers, briefing big events happening) : Paul, Cole, Jack, and Alyssa.
I reviewed chap 1 by analyzing Diego Rivera's sugarcane painting with a group discussion (5p + extra points for sharing: Alyssa, Brianna, Cole, Jordan, Mariah,)  If I missed your name, let me know.
Chap 2 research methods, you raised 3 questions and participating in discussion (5+3 points: Cole, Alyssa, Cole, Mariah, Paul). We corrected chaps 1+2 takehome. 30p.
Finally I checked chap 3 lecture notes, nightlights (5+5 p).
1. Read chap 3.
2. Print off chap 3 takehome.  Complete the multiple choice part.
    Bring in for checking.
3. I will cover chap 3 on coming Tuesday.
Email me if you have questions.
Mark read2/7 (R)
Date: 02/07/19
Ladies and gentlemen,
Our class was cancelled due to the inclement weather condition.
We are much behind the regular schedule.
So read the following course info carefully to catch up:
1. Review chap 1 (lecture notes, PowerPoint, and/or book you purchased).
2. Complete chaps 1+2 take home test.  Print off a copy.
     Do the best you can. Some questions I will explain before correction.

3. Preview chap 3 Culture and society.
    a. Print off lecture notes (5p).
    b. Preview with highlights/underlines/bolds (5p)

    c. Download chap 3 worksheet, complete.
        Do the best you can.
        Print off a copy and bring in next class.
Email me if you have questions.
Mark read2/5 (T) class notes
Date: 02/05/19
Ladies and gentlemen,
Today thank Paul, Matt, (I forgot the other classmate, Jack, Lexi?)
for sharing events happening from local to the globe.
(We need 3 peers to report events going on in the human societies by volunteerism
at the beginning of each class. Will be credited).
Then I covered major terms/definition and the 3 big mind-eye analytical tools - theories, and their sub-theories.
You did self-assessment on your worksheet (I will read and grade again).
Score earned today:
1. Attendance 5p (if late more than 5 minutes, then 50% off/deduction).
2. Lecture notes print off 5p.
3. Preview with highlights 5p.
4. Worksheet 32p.
   (From next time on, if multiple pages, stapled together. If not, 2 point deduction).
Total is 47 points.
Late assignments will incur 10% deduction Per Day (not per week).
Indicate how many days late under your name.

1. Review chap 1 from the Lecture Notes and/or PowerPoint that you downloaded.
2. Print off chaps 1+2 take-home test in the Unit 1 lesson link.
    Complete at least 20 questions.  Bring in for checking

3. Prepare for a group test by integrating all different mind-eye tools (theories)
    to analyze a social event/phenomenon on coming Thursday after chapter coverage,
    (unless time is not available).
Email me if you have questions.  Crystal
Mark read1/30 (W)
Date: 01/30/19
Ladies and gentlemen,
Our class will be reconvend tomorrow (1/31 R) at room 247.
For the worksheet, you can find answers from the Lecture Notes in the Unit lesson plan.
Do the best you can.
After chap1 coverage and class discussion, you can revise your answers.
Don't forget bring in all the requirements addressed in the previous email.
Mark read1/29 (T)
Date: 01/29/19
Ladies and gentlemen,
Due to the inclement weather, our class was cancelled (1/29 (T).)
In this case, you continue reading chap 1.
On E360 Lessons, you can find all the chapters' Lecture Notes and PowerPoint.
(They contains about 95%-98% of the textbook chapters' contents).
As I mentioned in the welcome messages sent before our class began, you could purchase an older,
less expensive version textbook from other sources (such as online stores).
Mainly, I cover important information from the Lecture Notes.

Hope you have already had a copy.
If you want to use the e-packed (adopted by our department), I need to contact the Publisher for the code.
1. Our classroom was changed to 247.
2. Since we don't have class today, here is the REvised assignments
   a. Print off Chap 1 Lecture Notes (PowerPoint is optional) bring in class for checking.  5 points
   b. Read and highlight (or bold, underline) the info you deem important. 5 points.
   c. Attention!!! In Addition to the 7 terms matched with images,  now you
      complete the rest of the essay questions (yes, complete the whole worksheet).
You will find the answers in the Lecture Notes/PowerPoint.

   c. Print off the completed worksheet and bring in next class session for peer reviews.
     If multiple pages, stapled, or 2 point deduction.

       For this worksheet, NO Dropbox is needed,
       because you will participate in peer mutual grading/peer reviews.

Note:  I have 3 online and several other face to face classes.
All my online use Dropbox, but for face to face, you need to print most of the assignments
for face to face peer reviews.
If you email me questions, please add Section 703, so I can identify and answer quickly.

Stay warm.

Mark readSOC 1/24 (R)
Date: 01/24/19
Ladies and gentlemen,
Today, thanks to the sharing of Garrison, Matt, and Tanner.
I continued Tuesday's left over to provide info how to approach sociology and share my personal learning experiences.
Thanks for comments on Cave and the Blind men with Elephant:
Alyssa, Garrison, Matt, and Victoria (credited).
If I missed your name, please let me know.
Since week one adding and dropping is going on, I used it as a warming-up opportunity.
Week 2 will be officially cover chap 1.

Points earned today: Attendance 7p, Lecture notes print off 5p, Read with highlights 5p,
3 questions about chap 1.= 20 points.

1.Continue reading chap 1. If your textbook has not arrived (any edition will be fine),
    If you missed day one, you need to click Unit 1 Lesson link,
    open chap 1 Lecture Notes, then DOWNLOAD, PRINT OFF,
    with highlights (or underlines, bolds) to show me you have read.
2. ON the same lesson link, scroll down, find Chap 1 worksheet.
    Download, and on a separate sheet, type the part 1
    - Terms (7 vocabulary with images) based on instructions.
    Print off (without doing so, 1 point deduction).
Email me if you have questions.  Crystal
Mark read1/22 (T) class notes and reminder
Date: 01/22/19
Ladies and gentlemen,
Nice to meet you.  We invested time to know a little bit about our peers and class.
Face to face interaction is so precious in this hyper-digital-age.
It is worthy - from Sociological Perspectives!
Based on info you provided,
I connected them to sociological topics which will be covered in the near future.
Then I shared some basic requirements/procedures of this class (detailed will be continued).
Finally, I collected your day one tech survey.(5 points).
1. Read syllabus carefully. If you have questions, bring in on coming Wednesday.
2. Click unit 1 lesson link (on Lessons button at the left hand side navigation menu).
    Download chap 1 Lecture notes (PowerPoint is optional) 5 points.
    Read, underline (or highlight/bold) to show me that you have read. 5 points.
3.  Bring in your 3 questions from chap 1 readings on the back of
     your print off pages (Stapled). 3 points.

Email me if you have question

Mark readWelcome from Crystal!
Date: 01/12/19

Ladies and gentlemen,

Again, welcome to our Soc world!!  Cannot wait to meet you !!
My name is Crystal Li-chin Huang, your soc instructor/facilitator.
You can call me Crystal or Li-chin, either way is fine to me.

Before our class begins on Jan Jan 22 (T)I would like to remind you of the following important information:
1. Our course adopts the following textbook -
    Macionis, John.  17th ed., Sociology. New Jersey: Prentice-Hall Inc.      
    Younger,  older version or e-book format of the textbook, all will be fine!
I will provide chapter PowerPoint, lecture notes/videos on E360 for your reference.

    E360 is available to you early on Jan 14 (M)  for you to preview.

2. Attention!  This is a face to face class, your attendance and participation is crucial
    to be successful for your academic pursuits.
    I attached our syllabus and course schedule at the right bottom corner
    on the E360 course home page.
    Please preview, and if you found errors or questions, email me as soon as
    possible for explanation or correction. I will bring in a hard copy for you on Jan. 22.
3. You can start reading chap 1 and raise 3 questions from the reading on your notebook.
4. Complete the week 1 Meet and Greet on Discussion, due on 1/24 (R) before 10 pm.
Cannot wait to meet you at 12:30 pm. Jan 22. (T), room 224 !


Sp17   200 Students' Sociology E-portfolio

Sp 17 soc portfolio   Maddy

Sp 17 soc 100 portfolio projects   Christina

Sp 17 soc portfolio   Maddy

Fall 2018 403 Sociology first half semester project

Crystal Curriculum Vitae

Crystal LC Huang, is a writer, folksong melophile, visual art/social science educator, and "poetic" cultural-n-social critic.

Teaching Experience:

Fall 2003 to Spring 2020, faculty professor, teaching Art Appreciation, American Government, Diversity Studies, Psychology, Sociology, and Social Problems via multiple delivery formats (course designer and facilitator for the face to face, online, hybrid, ITV -Youth Option, Web-conference, and Accelerated/Evening alternative methods) at Chippewa Valley Technical College. (During the above teaching career, I also completed my terminal degree in 2015 through being a part-time student for 10 years. This could be an answer to some friends' curiosity why I did not teach at the 4-year college? In fact, students and I have some similarity regarding SES at the 2-year college environment that sustains my teaching enthusiasm.)

Spring 2000 to spring 2003, Lecturer, Sociology, University of Wisconsin-Stout

95-97, TA at the Wayne State College, NE

1. Taught “Introduction to Visual Arts” sections
2. Assisted Design, and Painting studio courses
3. Conducted workshop for Information Literacy and Library Automated System

Professional Experience:

2000 to 2003,
adviser of Undecided Student Advisement Program, UW-Stout

1999 to 2000, program coordinator at the Undecided Student Advisement Office,

College of Arts and Sciences, UW-Stout

Nov.1997 to Jan.1999, Computer Layout Specialist in the Composing Department and

lifestyle columnist in the Editorial Department of the Dunn County News, Menomonie, WI

1992-93, library assistant, UW-Madison

Civil Servant:

1. Supervisor, the Supervisory Committee of the Congressional Aide Association of the Legislative Yuan (首屆立法院國會助理協會監委 Congress of Taiwan), Taipei

Job including: coordinating election campaigns, Congressional speech writing and serving constituencies.
(問政質詢總主筆, 競選文宣策劃, 選民服務)

2. Executive Secretary and member of Taipei Women Rescue Foundation (台北婦女救援會執行長)

3. Taiwan-China policy researcher at the Executive Yuan (研究考核委員會/大陸工作會報 - 陸委會前身 of the Central Government), Taipei

4. Journalist at the Ta Hwa Evening News, Taipei.

5. Cultural/English tour guide at the Ministry of
Transportation, Taipei, Taiwan. (交通部導遊 英語組)

6. Military educator, and English/Japanese instructor.


(Luckily, I won a full scholarship to study abroad through a nation-wide competition in 1990.)

Ph.D. Learning Technologies (previous Instructional Systems and Technology) , Department of Curriculum and Instruction, University of Minnesota-Twin Cities

Dissertation: Preferences, Pedagogical Strategies,
and Challenges of Instructors Teaching in Multiple Delivery Formats within A 2-Year College Context

M.S. Ed., Art Education, Wayne State College, Nebraska with a minor in Computer Science.
Research Project: Integrating Multimedia Technology into Art Curriculum with Classroom Implementation, 1997.

M.S. Sociology, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Major: Social Psychology focusing on Social Movements
Minors: Journalism and Women's Studies. Thesis Title: Multilevel Analysis of A Social Movement-1947, 228 Social Uprising in Taiwan, 1993.

M.S. Socio-political Science (the Graduate Institute of National Development), National Taiwan University. Thesis: Social Ideology and Gender Roles- Women's Issues in Contemporary society, 1986.

Special Training. Major: Military Education. Political Warfare Academy, Army of Taiwan (due to a national crisis, I joined the Army Academy).

B.A. Sociology, National Taiwan University.

Taipei Municipal First Girls' High School.

Areas of Interests

Innovation in Online Education Programs

TPACK Integration of Emerging Technologies

Equity and Quality of Diverse Learning in the Digital Age

Learning Technologies in the post-secondary educational setting

Interdisciplinary collaborative (Education, Social Science, and Technologies) Learning


Interpersonal, enthusiastic, and helpful with strong work ethics

Multiple language ability: Taiwanese, Mandarin, English, and Japanese

Have taken computer science as a minor (2001-2003).
Knowledgeable of C++, JAVA, Assembly language and Web Design
CMS/LMS: BlackBoard, WebCT, E360, Moodle, Joomla.

General Software application: Multi-aid, QuarkXpress, Pagemaker.

2010,Hyperstudio, Inspiration and variety of social media applications

Authorize tools: Macromedia (DreamWeaver, and Flash)
Web 3.0, Blog 2.0., Cloud Computing,
Photoshop/Photodeluxe, Premiere, Illustrator

PC and Mac proficiency

Visual-art making (2-D: Calligraphy; drawing, traditional ink/painting and mixed media;
3-D: mainly, ceramics and other mixed media

Trained quantitative, qualitative and mixed research methods

Statistic software: Spssx, MaxQDA2, and Minitab


Canvas/E360/BlackBoard/WebCT/Joomla - LMS (Learning management system) Teaching Certificates from UW-Stout and CVTC

Hybrid/blended and Web-conference training Certificates from CVTC

Quality Matters Certified Peer-Reviewer

Web Design and ITV Certificates from UW-Stout

General and Special Higher Civil Service Certificates from Taiwan

Academic Activities and Professional Development

Research, Papers, Posters, Projects, publications, and Professional Development


1993, Title :The February 28, 1947 Uprising in Taiwan:
A Multi-leveled Analysis of Collective Actions Author Li-Chin (Crystal) Huang
Publisher: University of Wisconsin--Madison, 1993
Digitized Feb 19, 2008. Length 172 pages;view=1up;seq=12

2004, Title: The Wonder of Tao: A Meditation on Spirituality and Ecological Balance.
Author: James Eggert.
Illustrations and Calligraphy by Li-chin (Crystal) Huang
Green Dragon Publishing. Printed in the United States of America and
the United Kingdom.

2018 Title: A Mystic Flow. Poems.
Publisher: Xena Crystal LC Huang


2015, Dissertation: Preferences, Pedagogical Strategies,and Challenges of Instructors Teaching in Multiple Delivery Formats within A 2-Year College Context. Dept. of Curriculum and Instruction, Learning Technologies (previous Instructional System and Technology), University of Minnesota-Twin Cities.

1997, Thesis Research Project: Integrating Multimedia Technology into Art Curriculum with Classroom Implementation. Wayne State College.

1986, Thesis: Social Ideology and Gender Roles- Women's Issues in Contemporary society. Socio-political Science (the Graduate Institute of National Development), National Taiwan University.

Research Papers/Publications, Posters, and Projects

2017, Internationalizing the Curriculum Conference, Panelist, 2017

Apr 13, 2017 publication description Crystal Li-chin Huang Learning-Teaching-Sharing Blog

Title: “The Voice of Faculty and Staff”

2012, title: Integrate Learning Technologies into A Social Science Course-Race, Ethnicity and Diversity Studies
Presented at the 28th Distance Teaching and Learning Conference
at UW-Madison, Aug, 2012.
Paper published in the Conference proceedings.

2012, Project Presentation- STEMSS
Project presentation to the future- STEM scientists for the local district.

2009, Title: “What is the Lived Experience of Designing and Teaching Multiple Delivery Methods -Live Meeting, Hybrid, Online, and Face To Face (f2f) within a Semester at a Technical College Setting”?
Paper presented at the 2009 AECT International Convention, Louisville, KY
Published in the Convention Proceedings, and in the ERIC

2009, Title: Learning Information Technologies as Empowering Tools to Narrow the Gender Gap in the Rural-Urban Spectrum - a Review from Global to Domestic Perspective (Project Leader: Dr. Susan Walker)
Paper presented at the 2009 AECT International Convention, Louisville, KY
Published in the Convention Proceedings, and in the ERIC

2008, Title: Beauty and Artistic Beauty
Presented at University of Minnesota-Twin Cities, 2008

2008, Title: Green and Dao
“The Wonder of the Tao-Six Meditation on Science, Spirit,
and the Future of Economics”
Presented at University of Minnesota- Twin Cities, 2008

2008, Title: Freedom Writers
Presented at University of Minnesota- Twin Cities, 2008

The next 5 research projects, due to my job descriptions (mainly, as hired in a Non-Research Institution of a 2-year college setting, the dir. of professional development (a male) at that time/2010, informed me that the school budget supported attendees, but not the researcher-presenters), I was unable to attend/present to the following conferences.

2015, Research proposal: Title:
“How Could It Be, Two Identical Online Deliveries in One Composite, and One Did So Well,
While the Other… , accepted by Association of Educational Communication and Technologies (AECT) for presentation
at the 2015 International Conference.

2010, Research proposal. Title:
“Struggles and Triumphs– A Female Minority Social Science
Instructor’s Reflection on Sociology Web-conference Course in
Facilitating Disadvantaged Learners”,
accepted by Association of Educational Communication and
Technologies (AECT) for a presentation
at the 2015 International Convention.

2010, Research proposal: Title:
“From Quantity to Quality - Quality Matters! But, What and How Does It Matter?
– Pursuing Online Courses Quality Assurance One Step at
A Time!” accepted by the Association of Educational
Communication and Technologies (AECT)
for a presentation at the 2015 International Convention.

2010, Research proposal. Title:
“Live Meeting: Web-conference Triumph in Sociology Course
facilitation”, accepted by the League of Innovation for a
presentation at the 2010 Maryland Conference.

2010, Research proposal. Title:
“Constructing a Bio-ecological System of Teaching and Learning Environment for 2-year College”, accepted by the League of Innovation 2010 Maryland Conference

2008, Quantitative Research Project. Title:“Do The Knowledge Of Using The Internet And The Annual Income Level Affect The Total Life Skill Assessments Of Rural Low Income Mothers”? University of Minnesota - Twin Cities (as part of my collaborative research projects)

2008, Co-presenter: The 16th Midwest Quality Research Conference
Topic: “The Lived Experience of Relocated Teachers in Korea”,
at St. Thomas University.

2008, Co-presenter: “A Brief Introduction to the Multimedia
Enhancer” at UW-Stout.

2008, Co-presenter: “A Mini-presentation: A brief of CMS”
at UW-Stout

2007-8, Collaborative Research Project: Joined the “Rural
Families Speak”
– A Multistate, Longitudinal and Multidisciplinary research
project, focusing on low-income women’s using information
technology, University of Minnesota - Twin Cities.

2007, research project presentation. Title: “Reflection on the Pedagogies of the Oppressor and the
Oppressed”, at University of Minnesota - Twin Cities

2007 The Four Asian Dragons.
Presented at Professor Husby's International Business program

2006, Research paper: Exploration of PCTMK Model of Hybrid Teaching.
Published as an Op-Ed in the Dunn County News.

2004, Collaborative project.
Assisting professor emeritus Jim Eggert as a translator and
illustrator of the Book-
“The Wonder of the Tao- A Meditation on Spirituality &
Ecological Balance”. FL: Brumby Holding, Inc.

2004, Panelist, UW-System Women's Study Consortium
Topic: “A Hermeneutic Phenomenological Study of Childless
Issues in Contemporary American Society”, at UW-Stout.

2003, Keynote speaker:
Annual Spring Awards and Recognition of Multicultural Student Services at UW-Stout.

2003, Presenter, “A Cultural Sojourner's ‘Courage to teach’ in
Intro-Sociology”, at UW-Stout.

2002, Poster presentation, Student and Faculty Research Day:
”An Action Research Report on a Spontaneous Thematic
Pedagogy in Intro-Sociology”, at UW-Stout.

2002, Panelist- International Forum
AAUW Midwest Regional Conference Presentation:

1.“The Trajectory of Women's Transformation via Education
- 3 Women's Stories”, at Rapid City, South Dakota calligraphy/

2. Story-telling

2001, Teaching Day Display,
“Sociological Pedagogy-Blending Teaching Strategy to Empower Student Active Learning”, at UW-Stout.

2001, Presenter, Professional Development Day:
“Enhancing Active Teaching/Learning Via Electronic application” at UW-Stout.

2001, Research paper:
“A Thematic Approach of Teaching Sociology during September
11th Crisis”, accepted to the Midwest Sociologist Conference


2014 Diversity Pedagogical Project
-The Gettysburg Address recorded in English, Mandarin,
and Taiwanese

Affiliations /Associations

American Education and Research Association (AERA)

Association for Educational Communications and Technologies (AECT)

International Society for Technology Education (ISTE)

Association for Career and Technical Education (ACTE)

Wisconsin Association for Career and Technical Education (WACTE)

National Educational Computing Conference (NECC)


American Sociological Association.

Member of American Association of University Women (AAUW)

Governance Involvements

Executive Secretary of Li-ling Huang Gender Equity Memorial Endowment at Chippewa Valley Technical College (CVTC). (2016 to present).

Sponsor of the Tsai-Huang Memorial Endowment Scholarship at CVTC. (2007 to present).

Adviser of Art Club at CVTC (2016 to present).

Adviser of Diversity Student Organization at CVTC (2011-2013).

Co-chair of Professional Development Committee of
Chippewa Valley Technical College Career and Technical Education Association (2009-2011).

Chair of the Chippewa Valley Technical College Education Association Scholarship Foundation (2010 to present).

CVACTE Event/Year Book Coordinator (2010-11).

Representative of ALC (Academic Leadership Council –WTCS).

Representative to the Advisory Committees of Renal Dialysis, Surgical Technician programs.

Course representative of Art Appreciation and Diversity Studies.

Nominations and Awards

2019, nominated to the Teaching Excellent Award at Chippewa Valley Technical College.

2013, nominated to the Teaching Excellent Award at Chippewa Valley Technical College.

2010, nominated to the Teaching Excellent Award at Chippewa Valley Technical College.

2006, nominated and the recipient of the Regional Outstanding Teacher of Chippewa Valley Technical College.

2001, nominated and the recipient of the Outstanding Contribution to UW-System and Women of Color representing UW-Stout in 2001.

Activities in Taiwan

1989-1990 Taiwan-China policy researcher at the Executive Yuan

(大陸工作會報兩岸政策研究員 - 陸委會前身
Central Government), Taipei.

- 1988: Elected as the Supervisor
of the National Congressional Assistant Association, Taipei.

- 1987-88: Delegate of Taiwan, invited

by both Congresses of Taiwan and the U.S. to observe the

Primaries and Causes in New Hampshire and Iowa as well as

followed the Presidential campaign trails.

- 1985-88

1. Journalist at the Ta Hwa Evening News, Taipei.

2. Cultural/English tour guide at the Ministry of
Transportation, Taipei, Taiwan.

3. Twice Campaign Coordinator and Speaker, and later,

the Speech Writer in the Congress.
(問質詢總主筆, 競選文宣策劃, 選民服務)

4. Executive Secretary and member of Taipei
Women Rescue Foundation.

1985-87 Congressional aide at the Legislative Yuan

(首屆立法院 國會助理 Congress of Taiwan), Taipei

Job including: coordinating election campaigns,

Congressional speech writer (質詢總主筆)
and serving constituencies.

- 1984-85: Summer and Winter Camp Speaker. (奉派執行冬令夏令營巡迴演講)

Previous career:

Military educator, and English/Japanese instructor at
Chung-San girls' High School, Chung-Sing University,
Taipei-Tech College, and Chang-Shu high school.


Grad Student Activities:

College and Graduate School at National Taiwan University

- Vice Chairperson

of the Graduate Association of National Taiwan University.

- Due to a National Crisis, I joined the Army Academic.
A retired Captain since 1985.

- Four semesters top 3% students of Sociology Department,

National Taiwan University.

- Selected, members of softball and volleyball varsity teams,
National Taiwan University.

Non-Academic Publications/Writing:

· Calligrapher and illustrator

of The Wonder of the Tao-Six Meditation on Science, Spirit,

and the Future of Economics by Jim Eggert.

A Human Trade Group Publisher, FL., 2004.

· Karma Ode, Burning Snow-Poetry, 2002, (in process).

· "Introductory Miao (Hmong) History and Culture by Tinqgui Li":

Translation,(collaborated with Steve Vang.) Wisconsin, UW-Stout. 2001.

· A Comprehensive History of the Chinese Miao (Hmong) by Xingfue Vue.

Translation. (collaborated with Steve Vang.), Wisconsin, UW-Stout, 2001.

· 10 articles related to cultural phenomena
for the Dunn County News, 1998-1999:

1. A thought to the Humane Society.

2. Homeopathy- a look from a tradition medical perspective.

3. The sociocultural perspective to Mulan.

4. Gua Sha-the traditional home remedy.

5. Halloween in the U.S. vs. Ghost Festival in Asia.

6. Organic products and its co-op practice.

7. Bosnia first hand report-Military sisters.

8. A cultural-sojourner's multicultural perspective.

9. Mini international house-visit the "Sharon the ambassador".

10.The legends behind Chinese New Year in Taiwan.

Selected writing/proposals as A Congressional Aide:

· “Women and Social Order,”

The Research and Assessment Monthly, Taipei, Taiwan, 1990.

· “The Interpellation to the Central Government”

- a compilation of 3 volumes (300 articles) relating to social welfare

and political system reformation drafted by me when working at


Some articles related to Women's issues are:

1. A proposal for "Equal Right, Equal Pay and Equal Opportunity of Employment

for both genders." September 29th,1987, the 80th session Legislative Yuan.

2. A proposal to Establish the "'Ministry of Women's Affairs'

to implement the Social Welfare for Women."

January 6th, 1988, the 80th, session, Legislative Yuan.

3. An interpellation on the issue of the Dilemma of

Single Parent and Divorced Women. January 19th,

1988.the 80th session, Legislative Yuan.

4. An interpellation on the issue of "the Myth of Marriage and

Increasingly Dysfunctional Families in contemporary society."

January 18th, 1987, the 80th session, Legislative Yuan.

· Personal Quantitative Research Project:

"Gender and Political Tolerance-The Study of Dane County,

Wisconsin." UW-Madison, 1992.


Enjoy reading, writing, poetry, music, cooking, visual art-making, nature and pet-caring.

Like to play basketball, ping pong, volleyball, tennis, softball, swimming, and hiking.

Li-chin (Crystal) Huang


Learning and Teaching of Crystal Li-chin Huang