In brief: during War War II, the son of the mother was deployed to Siberia in 1944. Due to the harsh environment, the son's combating condition was not clear (unverified).
Through 10 years, the mother walked a long distance to the Dancing Crane Harbor each time when soldiers were sent back. She came to the Harbor again and again, with a tiny hope that her son would be back. In 1954, the son's death was confirmed. The waiting mother passed away in 2000.
岸壁の母 1954年 (昭和29年)
作曲/Composer): 平川浪龍 ひらかわ・なみりゅう
作詩/Poet (Lyricist):籐田まさと ふじた ・ まさと
Singer: Xena LCH #171
A brief translation in Mandarin and English:
1. 母は來ました 今日も來た (做為母親的我來了今天也來了)
I come here again, my dear son.
この岸壁に 今日も來た (今天也來到這個碼頭)
Today, here, this familiar Dancing Cranes harbor,
とどかね願いと 知りながら (雖然知道願望是不能達成)
though I don't expect to see you.
もしやもしやに もしやもしやに (或許但只期萬一 或許但只期萬一)
But, just with a tiny hope
ひかされて (就這樣被這期望引誘而來)
that carries me here again and again.
(口白 monologue)また引 揚 船 が掃って來たに (遣送歸國的船又回來了)
The ship bringing back soldiers is arriving,
今度もあの子は掃らない (但這次我那孩子仍然沒回來)
but there is no sight of you.
この 岸壁 で 待っている (在這海邊等待著的我)
I am waiting and waiting at this harbor.
わしの姿 が 見えんのか (兒子啊你難道看不到嗎)
My dear son, cannot you see me?
港 の名前 は 舞鶴 なのに (港口的名字雖叫舞鶴)
Though the harbor's name is dancing cranes,
なぜ 飛んで 來ては くれぬの じゃ (但是為何不飛回來母親的身邊呢?)
why, why, not just dancing toward me?
掃れないなら 大き な 聲で (不能回來的話 拜託你)
If you cannot be back now,
お願い…せめて、せめて 一言 (至少 至少也要大聲喊一句)
please, please, just shout it loud to me with a word...
2. 呼んで下さい おがみます (媽要合掌拜神祈望你能叫媽一聲)
I pray to gods, hoping you call mom.
ああ おッ母さんよく來たと (啊啊~「媽媽難為您遠路前來」)
Aa....mother walks miles and miles to this harbor,
海山千里と 言うけれど ( 雖說海山遠隔千里)
though with such a long way,
なんで遠かろ なんで遠かろ ( 哪會算遠 哪會算遠)
it is never too far for me.
母と子に (對母和子來說 ㄧ點都不遠)
To my dear son, even thousands of miles is not a distance.
(口白 monologue) あれから十 年 從那時已十年了
I have been visiting this harbor for 10 years
あの子は どうして いる じゃろう 我那孩子日子不知過的如何?
How are you doing, my dear son?
雪と風の シベリアは寒い じゃろう 風雪凜冽的西伯利亞很寒冷吧!
The tundra of Siberia is just too cold.
つらかった じゃろう と 命 の 限り抱きしめて 很辛苦吧!希望生命有限之年
What a harsh condition! I wish before I die
この肌で 溫 めて やりたい 能緊抱住,用我這體溫來溫暖我兒
let me hug to warm you.
その日の來る まで 死にはせん 在那一日來臨為止,絕不能死
Definitely, I will not die before I can do that to you.
いつまでも待っている 無論到何時我都在等著
No matter what, I am waiting for you to come home.
3. 悲願十年 この祈り (悲苦的願望已十年 這個祈求)
I have been praying for 10 years for such a tiny sad wish.
神樣だけが 知っている (只有神明才知道)
Only gods know.
流れる雲より 風よりも (比起流雲 比起寒風)
The drifting cloud, the freezing wind,
つらいさだめの つらいさだめの (更悲慘的 更淒慘的)
are not more miserable
杖ひとつ (只靠一根枴杖的命運)
than a fate of a walking stick accompaning with me.
(口白/monologue) ああ 風よ 心 あらば 伝えてよ
( 啊!風呀!有心的話請替我傳達吧)
Aa.... dear wind, if you have heart, please help me send a message.
愛し子を待ちて 今日 も 又 (為等我愛子回國今天又再來)
Today, I come to the Dancing Cranes harbor again to waiting for me dear son.
怒濤 碎くる ( 在怒濤擊碎的巖壁堤岸上)
The cresting waves crashing at the harbor,
岸壁に 佇 む (母の 姿を 佇立著母親的身影)
there, the Dancing Cranes casts a shadow of a waiting mother.Manage
Through 10 years, the mother walked a long distance to the Dancing Crane Harbor each time when soldiers were sent back. She came to the Harbor again and again, with a tiny hope that her son would be back. In 1954, the son's death was confirmed. The waiting mother passed away in 2000.
岸壁の母 1954年 (昭和29年)
作曲/Composer): 平川浪龍 ひらかわ・なみりゅう
作詩/Poet (Lyricist):籐田まさと ふじた ・ まさと
Singer: Xena LCH #171
A brief translation in Mandarin and English:
1. 母は來ました 今日も來た (做為母親的我來了今天也來了)
I come here again, my dear son.
この岸壁に 今日も來た (今天也來到這個碼頭)
Today, here, this familiar Dancing Cranes harbor,
とどかね願いと 知りながら (雖然知道願望是不能達成)
though I don't expect to see you.
もしやもしやに もしやもしやに (或許但只期萬一 或許但只期萬一)
But, just with a tiny hope
ひかされて (就這樣被這期望引誘而來)
that carries me here again and again.
(口白 monologue)また引 揚 船 が掃って來たに (遣送歸國的船又回來了)
The ship bringing back soldiers is arriving,
今度もあの子は掃らない (但這次我那孩子仍然沒回來)
but there is no sight of you.
この 岸壁 で 待っている (在這海邊等待著的我)
I am waiting and waiting at this harbor.
わしの姿 が 見えんのか (兒子啊你難道看不到嗎)
My dear son, cannot you see me?
港 の名前 は 舞鶴 なのに (港口的名字雖叫舞鶴)
Though the harbor's name is dancing cranes,
なぜ 飛んで 來ては くれぬの じゃ (但是為何不飛回來母親的身邊呢?)
why, why, not just dancing toward me?
掃れないなら 大き な 聲で (不能回來的話 拜託你)
If you cannot be back now,
お願い…せめて、せめて 一言 (至少 至少也要大聲喊一句)
please, please, just shout it loud to me with a word...
2. 呼んで下さい おがみます (媽要合掌拜神祈望你能叫媽一聲)
I pray to gods, hoping you call mom.
ああ おッ母さんよく來たと (啊啊~「媽媽難為您遠路前來」)
Aa....mother walks miles and miles to this harbor,
海山千里と 言うけれど ( 雖說海山遠隔千里)
though with such a long way,
なんで遠かろ なんで遠かろ ( 哪會算遠 哪會算遠)
it is never too far for me.
母と子に (對母和子來說 ㄧ點都不遠)
To my dear son, even thousands of miles is not a distance.
(口白 monologue) あれから十 年 從那時已十年了
I have been visiting this harbor for 10 years
あの子は どうして いる じゃろう 我那孩子日子不知過的如何?
How are you doing, my dear son?
雪と風の シベリアは寒い じゃろう 風雪凜冽的西伯利亞很寒冷吧!
The tundra of Siberia is just too cold.
つらかった じゃろう と 命 の 限り抱きしめて 很辛苦吧!希望生命有限之年
What a harsh condition! I wish before I die
この肌で 溫 めて やりたい 能緊抱住,用我這體溫來溫暖我兒
let me hug to warm you.
その日の來る まで 死にはせん 在那一日來臨為止,絕不能死
Definitely, I will not die before I can do that to you.
いつまでも待っている 無論到何時我都在等著
No matter what, I am waiting for you to come home.
3. 悲願十年 この祈り (悲苦的願望已十年 這個祈求)
I have been praying for 10 years for such a tiny sad wish.
神樣だけが 知っている (只有神明才知道)
Only gods know.
流れる雲より 風よりも (比起流雲 比起寒風)
The drifting cloud, the freezing wind,
つらいさだめの つらいさだめの (更悲慘的 更淒慘的)
are not more miserable
杖ひとつ (只靠一根枴杖的命運)
than a fate of a walking stick accompaning with me.
(口白/monologue) ああ 風よ 心 あらば 伝えてよ
( 啊!風呀!有心的話請替我傳達吧)
Aa.... dear wind, if you have heart, please help me send a message.
愛し子を待ちて 今日 も 又 (為等我愛子回國今天又再來)
Today, I come to the Dancing Cranes harbor again to waiting for me dear son.
怒濤 碎くる ( 在怒濤擊碎的巖壁堤岸上)
The cresting waves crashing at the harbor,
岸壁に 佇 む (母の 姿を 佇立著母親的身影)
there, the Dancing Cranes casts a shadow of a waiting mother.Manage
Sun Lasting
九段之母 (Japanese Song) The Grieving Mother Uploaded on Jan 17 (F), 2014
唄/Singer: Xena Crystal Li-chin Huang#40
A Mother's sorrow with an ambivalent pride, saturated by a complex yet humble (reserved) grief unconsciously mingled with the powerful ideology internalized (or properly speaking, propagandized) through the Nationalism, Patriotism as well as Jingoism...
1. 上野の駅から 九段まで かってしらない じれったさ 杖をとよりに 一日がかり せがれきたぞや 会いにきた
空をつくよな 大鳥居 こんな立派な おやしろに 神とまつられ もったいなさよ 母は泣けます うれしさに
両手あわせて ひざまつき おがむはずみの おねんぶつ はっと気づいて うろたえました せがれゆるせよ 田舎もの 4 鳶(とび)が鷹(たか)の子 うんだよで いまじゃ果報が 身にあまる 金鵄勲章が みせたいばかり 逢いに来たぞや 九段坂
(支那事変後最愛の息子を国に捧げた母の心をテーマに昭 和14年4月 浪曲的語りかけの詞と股旅調が肌身近くに感じたのか空前の大ヒット 戦地の兵士達にも この母の心に親しみと郷愁が湧き出でて親しまれた...)Manage
九段之母 (Japanese Song) The Grieving Mother Uploaded on Jan 17 (F), 2014
唄/Singer: Xena Crystal Li-chin Huang#40
A Mother's sorrow with an ambivalent pride, saturated by a complex yet humble (reserved) grief unconsciously mingled with the powerful ideology internalized (or properly speaking, propagandized) through the Nationalism, Patriotism as well as Jingoism...
1. 上野の駅から 九段まで かってしらない じれったさ 杖をとよりに 一日がかり せがれきたぞや 会いにきた
空をつくよな 大鳥居 こんな立派な おやしろに 神とまつられ もったいなさよ 母は泣けます うれしさに
両手あわせて ひざまつき おがむはずみの おねんぶつ はっと気づいて うろたえました せがれゆるせよ 田舎もの 4 鳶(とび)が鷹(たか)の子 うんだよで いまじゃ果報が 身にあまる 金鵄勲章が みせたいばかり 逢いに来たぞや 九段坂
(支那事変後最愛の息子を国に捧げた母の心をテーマに昭 和14年4月 浪曲的語りかけの詞と股旅調が肌身近くに感じたのか空前の大ヒット 戦地の兵士達にも この母の心に親しみと郷愁が湧き出でて親しまれた...)Manage
Sun Lasting
A requiem-ballad of an orphan bird, sung with my mother tongue - Taiwanese.
In brief: The Imperial colonialism following the early 17-18th centuries' predecessors of Protegees and Spaniards, again, Japan occupied Taiwan (1895-1945), which endured 5 centuries' geo-political abandonment and sufferings. Then the civil war between Communist China and Nationalist KMT complicated by the colonial aftermath, a horrific massacre happened on Taiwan in 1947. More than 20,000 social elites and innocent civilians were killed. (for detailed info, I have a thesis - The February 28, 1947 Uprising in Taiwan- A Multileveled Analysis of Collective Action, published by the Graduate School of UW-Madison, 1993),
The following Requiem-like ballad depicts an orphaned bird whose parents were killed by snake (yes, another sentient being, was villainized in this case, for I respect all life forms) and all its neighbors were slaughters and destroyed.
嘉義民謠 : 一隻鳥仔哮啾啾
Arranger 蔡振南, 江孝文, and others
Singer: Xena LCH
This is a well-known folk song in Jia-yi (嘉義), south part of Taiwan. The song expressed the Japanese's brutality and colonial hegemony on Taiwanese people. The politic-economic oppression and cultural suppression reached the intolerable condition, the local people, in particular, 諸羅 (嘉義) areas, organized to fight back and were brutally massacred by Japanese military establishment.
Birds in the lyrics symbolized the oppressed people, whose nests were destroyed and offspring were killed by the evil intruders and oppressors. People bravely fought against the colonial domination and they sacrificed for their freedom and justice.
哮啾啾 荷哩
哭到三更一又半暝找無巢 嘿!嘿!
嘿都什麼人啊甲我撞破一個巢 荷哩
乎阮抓著不放伊甘休 荷嘿荷Manage
A requiem-ballad of an orphan bird, sung with my mother tongue - Taiwanese.
In brief: The Imperial colonialism following the early 17-18th centuries' predecessors of Protegees and Spaniards, again, Japan occupied Taiwan (1895-1945), which endured 5 centuries' geo-political abandonment and sufferings. Then the civil war between Communist China and Nationalist KMT complicated by the colonial aftermath, a horrific massacre happened on Taiwan in 1947. More than 20,000 social elites and innocent civilians were killed. (for detailed info, I have a thesis - The February 28, 1947 Uprising in Taiwan- A Multileveled Analysis of Collective Action, published by the Graduate School of UW-Madison, 1993),
The following Requiem-like ballad depicts an orphaned bird whose parents were killed by snake (yes, another sentient being, was villainized in this case, for I respect all life forms) and all its neighbors were slaughters and destroyed.
嘉義民謠 : 一隻鳥仔哮啾啾
Arranger 蔡振南, 江孝文, and others
Singer: Xena LCH
This is a well-known folk song in Jia-yi (嘉義), south part of Taiwan. The song expressed the Japanese's brutality and colonial hegemony on Taiwanese people. The politic-economic oppression and cultural suppression reached the intolerable condition, the local people, in particular, 諸羅 (嘉義) areas, organized to fight back and were brutally massacred by Japanese military establishment.
Birds in the lyrics symbolized the oppressed people, whose nests were destroyed and offspring were killed by the evil intruders and oppressors. People bravely fought against the colonial domination and they sacrificed for their freedom and justice.
哮啾啾 荷哩
哭到三更一又半暝找無巢 嘿!嘿!
嘿都什麼人啊甲我撞破一個巢 荷哩
乎阮抓著不放伊甘休 荷嘿荷Manage