Though, the posted ideas below, now is common sense, repost, Just for reference. Some of the notions are adopted from the course reading materials.
Mainly, all on the table hot button issues can be sorted into 2 categories: one is about money, the other, social behaviors (or norms, mores...etc.).
This intertwining condition between social issues and economic issues creates complex voting behaviors in US., which is one of the key points to detect why certain groups of people vote for specific ways. Some vote to against their economic interests, others, such as the single issue voters who are not interested in issues beyond their faith or "emotional attachments".
Social class is one of the major determinants to discern why people vote for certain way- habitually.
This could be one of the main reasons why certain ambitious political Party/politicians, specific religious groups, with special agenda, against a proper general education curriculum, particularly, in learning sociology, philosophy, and a truthful We-The-People History.
Some of my brief lecture notes of this chapter, simplified from the course reading materials are posted below for reference (some data need to be updated, though).
The following books, though not quite new, are still highly relevant to the current events, with interesting and intriguing details that you might have read or interested to read, even though, some of them are best seller...
An extra one - the classic:
Democracy for the Few.
Lots of people are happy, while others, not so. Who are those happy guys? Why are some unhappy about it?
This is one of my non-academic observations. Some of them might not be objective enough. Just for reference. The following parts are about some non-native US. residents:
I notice many so-called anti-communism activists persecuted by an Asian tyrannical regime, or some other economic conservative countries (ya, support the super capitalism) in Asia, tend to embrace GOP's politico-economic ideologies. Especially, a previous national leader with insufficient/immature political ideas or operational procedures, "dared" to "innocently" yell at CCP, thus, adored as a "Hero" by these groups/countries. Why should they know or care about the detriments this person has done to this country?
This, also reinforces GOP's popularity within the aforementioned groups of people or countries.
The other noticeable event is that some anti-communism activists from an Eastern communist regime, once entering into US. and being taken care (or nurtured/sponsored) by the conservative right wing religious organizations that tend to do good job to save those "atheistic" souls with an invisible "feedback patronized" price tagged on these activists' YouTube business. (Note, most the new Asian immigrants may not understand the drastically different religious ideologies among various denominations of the US. church organizations - As long as your nice White GODs help, they are all well-worshipped).
From my observations and research (may not be without biases,) some of them genuinely appreciate and thank the US' GOD throwing the last straw when they are drowning. Others, particularly, without the Evangelical, Baptist types of GOD's saving, enriching their souls, they may not be able to live like human beings, thus, embracing pro-conservative ideologies is a nice way for quid-pro- quo.
The third part is those privileged groups with tons of money, via any venue available to escape from their unhappy country for accessing other countries' hard-earned freedom and even better socio-economical life chances and opportunities, according to the United States Declaration of Independence to pursue "Life, Liberty and Happiness". This group obviously, has to love GOP's conservative ideologies, because "pulling up their expensive boots through tons of their gorgeous bootstraps - is not difficult to do!"
US., in some sense, pretty much welcomes the big money they bring in (including some rich immigrants from other countries to the Land of the Free and home of the Brave) and likes these people as the proxy fighters against the rising dominant sun...
Need to do chores. Will be back.
After the non-native resident part, what about the rest - the local people's mind-set on political ideologies? This is a too big issue to render. Well, I thought about that.
But, I can use why teaching Diversity courses is such a risky task as an example.
It is so much like walking on the tight rope suspended over two dangerous cliffs. And I taught this course over 14 years and every year had to watch out landmines along the way... !
Have to do chores again. Stay tuned.
Getting into sensitive issues... well, I need to take a break. The perspective of essentialism vs. constructionism regarding humans' socialization processes led to the world views, will be shared later. Welcome your input. Thanks.
Now, back to the sharing business:
Sixteen years ago, she started tackling a new course at a tech college– Race, Ethnicity and Diversity course (later changed into Introduction to Diversity which, now becomes a “controversial” curriculum due to its critical theory component,” irritating” many conservative people). She was still quite naïve about this course at that time, even though she encountered a little episode at a previous University during her first year of teaching there.
It was a chapter in sociology regarding race and ethnicity which interested her very much, because in her native country, there was no racial issue except some ethnic squabbles.
The story was on one day when she was excited to introduce that chapter to students at that university. After the warming up rituals, she began with the definition and the differences between RACE and ETHNICITY. She was enthusiastic and expected students to share her eagerness and excitement. Then, one of female students raised her hand to make a common on what she just heard. This student said, “I would like to share my thoughts. Do you know we don’t have racial problems in this country?” You know, that was quite a white state, white school, and she was the only one with a different skin color in the classroom twenty years ago...
She was stunned, figuring out that something was going on, and then responded, “Thanks for sharing your thoughts. Indeed, this is an interesting yet heavy topic for today. The content is based on academic research and reviewed statistical data collection, and, majority of them are from American white scholars, not from my perception. I will check more in details and get back to you next time.”
As to how she rendered that event, well, another long story with positive outcomes - save for next time.
Now back to the tech college story. That university episode seemed dimming away from her subconsciousness, and the new excitement to teach this new course was rekindled. One extra information needs to be addressed here. There are some fundamental differences between 4-year colleges and 2-year tech colleges in terms of educational missions, faculty and student body, and the administrative system as well as the rest of relevant issues. She was not fully aware of them until stumbled several times to learn her lessons.
Well, need to take a break. Will be continued.
08-18-22 Th, 4:40 pm. She has to share this just out-of-the-oven episode:
Half of an hour ago, accidentally, she watched an interview of so-called smart, renowned scholars, originally from a communist regime, regarding FBI’s searching classified documents hidden at Mar-a-Lago.
These intelligent people experienced bad times from their fake-communist regime before coming to the US. Most of them widespread in many US. universities, research institutes, and YouTube business. With privileged background in their unhappy motherland before arriving to America, they were well-welcomed by the generosity of American conservative Parties/organizations and religious groups to "fight together" against the disliked atheists and brutal robbers.
Some of them frightened by their native country’s autocratic controlling, and then baptized by the US. style of "kindness and freedom" from the right-wing agencies, consciously or unconsciously turn themselves into the most die-hard conservative to embrace the anti-liberal ideology, no matter which type (ya, for most of them, the US. liberalism is equivalent to their motherland's bloody communism, if they had any idea what the evolution from the classic liberalism to today's modern liberalism and its branches are) to either show appreciation for their atheistic souls being saved by the US. conservative gods (mmm... if they knew that Jesus is a radical socialist??) or express the quid-pro-quo as an important traditional value from their own culture.
Their specific style of anti-communism mentality finds a niche, going well with some of the US. conservative camp's values. First, surely, they both hoist a similar banner: anti- communism. The only tiny difference is that one was taken away goodie stuff which tends to be inherited from their cultural/social class privileges through violence, while the other, through imagination. The rest of being held to be true are: “keeping status quo: socio-economic inequality in class, race/ethnicity, gender and the rest is a necessary component of Social Darwinism,” “pulling up your own expensive boots with your many gorgeous bootstraps,” “poverty is caused by lazy people, “ “worshipping god to save USA,” “going back to the traditional values,” “pro-death penalty to reduce crimes,” “the US. has no racial issues, and critical theory is bad for students,” and the rest of the similar "good old day values". Furthermore, recently, one thing across these intelligent scholars/ researchers and many business youtubers is that “Dxxxxx Txxxx is a great leader whose crown was stolen by another Party...”
All - because their White Hero dared to cutely yell at the monster of their mother regime that made them unhappy. No clue for whatsoever of them to know how much anti-democratic damage this individual has done to divide this country.
Perhaps, people come from that autocratic regime, once entering a free, democratic system, there could be a cultural lag existing. They tend to see things from their habitual framework of the authoritarian-totalitarian perspective and lack a critical mindset which was prohibited in the politico-educational institutions of their native regime. Thus, like the goslings imprinted with the first sight of their mother, the instinct of following the first impression is stuck. This could be a reason why the first sight with the help (religiously or politico-financially) from the Conservative political camp and religious organizations nails down the right-wing ideology into them accorded with their privileged status in their motherland.
Anyway, why should they care about - " Who is destroying US." ? Isn't this country just another springboard for them to get more money and fame and enjoy others' hard-earned freedom?
Looking at these smart Asian erudite people makes her think, “if her students and some of her colleagues, here, deny what happened in the US. history, though was the unpleasant one, how could you expect these Asian smart immigrants know about what the truth of We, The People, was and is?”
Will continue episodes happening at the tech college.