Saturday, December 14, 2013

Dec. 14 (Sa) 2013. A Reminiscence should have been forgotten... (posted on fb).

誰是 "被割割" ? (will work on a translation when time is available...)

December 14, 2013 at 1:59am

危風往事: A few days ago, 好不容易地我三姐 (in Taiwan) 變成 my facebook friend!! ( 在外, 打方塊國字, 真"夭壽" 地慢的ㄋㄟ!!!!) - 像烏龜爬門檻, 但看此一翻 - turtle-crawling: my way of typing characters.

一直以為在她心中, 我還是那乖乖笨笨的大妹. 小時三姐是城裡有名的女英雄 -允文允武, 十八般武藝樣樣精通 (書讀的好, 連拿種種體育競賽金牌獎盃, 又特會做菜, just to name a few!) - 是我小時候心慕中的偉人. 那時候, 只有三姐和大哥 (你們倆超會念書, 又是運動健將, 一個讀市女, 一個上建國與臺大. 讓狠多人羨慕與忌妒), 在那種愁雲慘霧的日子裡, 可以讓我們弟妹聽到些爸媽些微的安慰.
昨天我三姐 on my timeline 突然提及一些 早已忘了得小時 (不)了了(之) 的故事, 使我聯想起幾年前一個匿名叫范蘭欽 (ChinaMainlander in Taiwan) 的 駐外官場辦事人員 (salary, paid by hard-workingTaiwanese taxpayers). 此官員不知為何用個 ”賤” 字 形容臺灣人… 是可忍孰不可忍!!! - I remember that I doodled a tiny reflection about a typical Taiwanese's experience to share. 我本無意舊事重題,爛炒冷飯, but just to echo my sister's thoughts that I did understand her care.

Here you go:

他的名子叫 被割割。這個名子犯不著對范蘭欽有任何自由聯想或對他有畫蛇添足之 "閒"。

被割割很認命與守舊。深信書中自有外交屋,書中自有謙忠恕。中學作文得數獎,大學聯考歷史考了個一百分。算是個左腦 有開發的人(剿幸得很, 右腦是在 x 國啓蒙的)。被割割一心一意想拼個謙忠恕外交官以報家國養育之恩 (真是顽固迂腐到極點!)。首度赴特考戰戰兢兢, 然而慘遭敗北 - 這科國際公法雖非本行, 也不該考個如此無能的分數。捲土重來信心十足。不料晴天闢靂高分落選。

回想多年前時的被割割並非輸不起那一分,而是被割割 那不識字的母親滿懷疑問 "那ㄝ安內生? 歷哪目賙放ㄎㄨㄟ ㄎㄨㄟ去考,歷史也不會考二十五分!!!" 一輩子沒機會上一天學的老母卻苦苦巴望她十個苦命兒 中能有一兩個有出脫當個像包清天那樣的”官",一如歌仔戲 (忠孝節義封建承控機制) 中那十年寒窗一舉揚眉顯親的莘莘學子鬆口氣 地說, ”此後不再受虐於猛逾虎的苛政”。 然而複查成績的結果是白紙四大黑字- "查無錯誤"。

被割割只好安慰老母: “媽,您的每日清晨夜晚虔誠欽天敬祖,燒好香做好待, 祖宗神明會原諒我的失誤。” 然後被割割嬉皮笑臉地對媽說 “可能是真的, 想當官要燒三代的好香做好事呢! 媽, 一定是前兩代阿公阿祖香沒燒夠!” 私底下,被割割卻無奈地想著那報考的履歷表上的確是要你提及祖宗三代。不過不是有關燒好香做好事,而是祖宗們的學經歷背景。被割割的兄妹們倒是黃家頭一代出產的識字人。在台灣,這是一件很值得誇耀的事。

言歸正傳,這 “ 二十五分的歷史教訓 ” 從此深深烙印在這個社會學没讀透的狂狷青年心頭。

話說山不轉路轉、當不了駐外人,被割割 倒也扛轎周旋於幾個小型官場,看了幾齣現形記 (時當解嚴天蠶劇變之際,於國府殿堂)。厚黑與薄白戲碼趁機上演,看得眼花撩亂,做得澎湃洶湧 。 說得遲那時快,一個有份量的獎學金使被割割覺悟一切有為法,如夢幻泡影 - 痛心地空遁到海外, 專心投入百年樹 (x 國)人的工作 (不夠格樹本國人,只好退而求其次)。 所以, 從一個當了七年親愛精誠的丘八官與抬轎人如今成了個 “住” 外的樹人。

如此一來,被割割時而仰天長嘯壯懷激烈一番, 時而自我調侃自我阿Q,自封個背 "彩虹旗" 的人 (有綠, 有藍, 有紅,有黑,更有白)。如果你要為被割割駐個名 (不論是加罪或加封)- 這嗎 騎牆騎得太離譜??

不過看官要是知曉這荒唐辛酸個中味, 說真的,這種旗也真重得難扛。 試想被割割對著大鼻混眼的X國學生唱著 望你早歸,梅花,雨夜花,易水寒, 與 高山青以解說社會階層和族群理論時,卻無法用那美麗的母語的精神分裂折騰?! 被割 割的自 我流放,值得反省, 值得三思...

Dec. 14 (Sa), 2013: A short reflection-


, 煩惱即菩提.

- 太多或太少是對生命的一種糟蹋
不多不少, 恰到好處 - 感恩 _/\_ x 108. 


11 people like this.

Rodney Dukes Are you the author? Thought provoking. i think it would be difficult to truly be either. The change is rapid and as usual, the powers that be are promoting the benefits over the secrets of what they are gaining from the information that we are all so free to relinquish for a chance to play with the latest toy. What is power? Is this technology a savior or slaver?
December 12 at 6:02pm · Like · 2

黃麗月 多才多藝大妹(台大畢)----在美教社會學,本身又有多項碩士學位,尤其更具藝術天份;可惜"人才"被美國人利用了!!!!!!!無法發表留言。..See Translation
December 12 at 6:08pm · Like · 4

Crystal Huang @ Rodney and my dear sister:
Just some random doodles and scribbles - nothing serious !
And I loooove and induuuulge in tech tremendously - from its functional and dysfunctional aspects !
December 13 at 8:43pm · Edited · Like · 1

黃麗月 OK !
December 13 at 12:09am · Like · 1

Steve Chen 在台灣禍國殃民+罪大惡極的政客奸商幾乎都是國家耗費最多稅金栽培出來的台大畢業生!See Translation
December 13 at 6:01pm · Like

Steve Chen 嗚呼哀哉! 台灣人給台大畢業的揮霍稅金和造孽!See Translation
December 13 at 6:02pm · Like

Crystal Huang @Steve, you are a good NTUer! 在台灣我只配當個女丘八 - 一下子用掉八年珍貴的時光 (during those 8 years, many of our classmates had achieved so many successes. I restarted from ground 0 as an old woman :P) 只得遁到海外做 那千萬個不甘願的住外樹人工作.
很久以前我老姐 她考上北醫, 沒錢念, 只得去盡終抱幗, TOO! 一位優秀的醫學人才被埋沒 in Taiwan ! 她能力特優, 但時也命也, 何復可言! 我樣樣不如她, 但卻比較幸運!! indeed, the birth order does affect one's life chances. My eldest brother and sisters had to sacrifice to help parents raising the younger siblings.... )
- 在亂世 油蔴菜籽, 女人家最終的歸途 -仰天常笑, 撞懷姬烈一翻 !
December 13 at 9:42pm · Edited · Like · 1

黃麗月 past time !
December 13 at 9:54pm · Like · 1

黃麗月 是台灣人不會用人才!!!!!!想當年家妹考外交官,錄取5名,她就被排第6名;錄取7名,她就被排第7名---原因我們的父母沒錢沒地位(但沒錢不可悲);家妹只好往外求生存。------有錯嗎????See Translation
December 13 at 10:03pm · Like · 1

Crystal Huang 人才 = Opportunity meets Ability. Without opportunities, nothing could be accomplished. These are the key themes of my Race/Ethnicity and Diversity study course now I am teaching. Students need to learn life chances and oddities to navigate throughout the life journey. Indeed, some people are more privileged than others (both visible and invisible, ascribed/achieved) with many life choices and chances (race, ethnicity, gender, social class, physicality, nationality, languages, sexual orientation, disability...etc.) while others, doors are tightly closed. Just need to know these invisible rules of games ! and inform the policy making agencies for certain types of social change.
December 13 at 11:47pm · Edited · Like · 1

黃麗月 更正第8名!!!!!!!名落孫山後!!!!!See Translation
December 13 at 10:08pm · Like · 1

Crystal Huang Let's stop here. No more dirty linens !
December 13 at 10:22pm · Like

Steve Chen 黃麗月女士千萬莫怨父母! 要怨生不在歐美先進國家! 要怨自小深受"博大精深的中華文化"!
Yesterday at 5:39am · Like · 1

黃麗月 我讀免費大學,大妹台大,二妹中興大學,小妹成功大學,哥哥弟弟獎學金留美,感恩父母!See Translation
Yesterday at 11:55am · Like · 1

Crystal Huang @my dear classmate Steve, how did 歐美國家 become 先進?? How about 16th-19th - up to early 20th centuries' global imperialism and colonialism/neo-colonialism on Africa, Southeast Asia and the rest of the "less" developed world? 美國 一百五十年的 奴隸制度, 對 "本土" 印第安人的虜掠屠殺 and 族群歧視 still lingering on. It might not be which Regions but more about the power and hegemony- the oppressed vs. oppressors?? By the way, without this "博大精深的中華文化" I might be 批法左紝矣 ! We love and miss our parents very much !See Translation
15 hours ago · Edited · Like

Crystal Huang My another hero- my eldest brother-長子如父 (an NUTer, majored in Economics), in 1997 (during the Anarchist stage of both sides of the Taiwan Strait) suddenly died at Shanghai in a business trip??? A tragic mystery...See Translation
23 hours ago · Edited · Like

Crystal Huang Steve Chen, my dear classmate of NTU - Department of Sociology- a born leader! I truly appreciate your input.老同學, 真是好, 真是寶 ! I cherish the genuine friendship.
23 hours ago · Edited · Like · 1

Crystal Huang 三姐, 話說 "讀免費" 大學, 其實 is the most Expensive Opportunity COST!
- 卻無可奈何...See Translation
18 hours ago · Edited · Like · 1

Steve Chen "披法左紝矣"> Wud this be worse? Do you wear traditionally?
22 hours ago · Like · 1

黃麗月 記得小時為了學校有好吃的食物,小四就參加校遂,到小六已是三組校遂遂長,別同學一學期上課4個月,我只上2個月,直到高中;能上大學,真感恩!窮得有方法!!!!!See Translation
17 hours ago · Like · 1

Crystal Huang 很多故事, 現在沒人會相信!! 有時候我給學生同事講故事, 又得顧及面子, 我好像是在做 " 現實時光隧道的過去式演義" - 很難令人置信得呦!
例如, 有一次我講 醫療與社會 (社會階層 與 medical accessibility - socialized medicine vs market-based medicine as well as the life expectancy) . 我提及小時候我們生病, 根本無法- 沒那個命, 看醫生. 我同事就說, 你們的父母要抓起來關- 有可能是該開玩笑的 !?? 妳的嗓子因發高燒而哭壞. 媽說實在無能為力.就讓妳一直哭到幾乎啞了... ! 妳命大 - 活了下來 !See Translation
14 hours ago · Edited · Like · 1

黃麗月 更正校隊!!!!!!See Translation
4 hours ago · Like · 1

黃麗月 正確!死了儿回,又活過來!See Translation
4 hours ago · Like · 1

黃麗月 小妹生個亂瘡,借5 元看病都借不到!真像悲慘世界!See Translation
4 hours ago · Like · 1

黃麗月 人不能太完美,有小許 缺陷是好事!感恩父母1See Translation
4 hours ago · Like · 1

Crystal Huang You made me sobbing the whole morning... yes, our baby sister Li-ling....I carried her on my back, walking miles to see a bearfoot crack for help, who would accept any penny to "cure" any diseases???!!!!....It was so HORRIBLE.... how this crack did on Li-ling.... If I have time, I will write down that heart-wrenching story about baby sister's aweful enduring...
about an hour ago · Edited · Like

Crystal Curriculum Vitae

Crystal LC Huang, is a writer, folksong melophile, visual art/social science educator, and "poetic" cultural-n-social critic.

Teaching Experience:

Fall 2003 to Spring 2020, faculty professor, teaching Art Appreciation, American Government, Diversity Studies, Psychology, Sociology, and Social Problems via multiple delivery formats (course designer and facilitator for the face to face, online, hybrid, ITV -Youth Option, Web-conference, and Accelerated/Evening alternative methods) at Chippewa Valley Technical College. (During the above teaching career, I also completed my terminal degree in 2015 through being a part-time student for 10 years. This could be an answer to some friends' curiosity why I did not teach at the 4-year college? In fact, students and I have some similarity regarding SES at the 2-year college environment that sustains my teaching enthusiasm.)

Spring 2000 to spring 2003, Lecturer, Sociology, University of Wisconsin-Stout

95-97, TA at the Wayne State College, NE

1. Taught “Introduction to Visual Arts” sections
2. Assisted Design, and Painting studio courses
3. Conducted workshop for Information Literacy and Library Automated System

Professional Experience:

2000 to 2003,
adviser of Undecided Student Advisement Program, UW-Stout

1999 to 2000, program coordinator at the Undecided Student Advisement Office,

College of Arts and Sciences, UW-Stout

Nov.1997 to Jan.1999, Computer Layout Specialist in the Composing Department and

lifestyle columnist in the Editorial Department of the Dunn County News, Menomonie, WI

1992-93, library assistant, UW-Madison

Civil Servant:

1. Supervisor, the Supervisory Committee of the Congressional Aide Association of the Legislative Yuan (首屆立法院國會助理協會監委 Congress of Taiwan), Taipei

Job including: coordinating election campaigns, Congressional speech writing and serving constituencies.
(問政質詢總主筆, 競選文宣策劃, 選民服務)

2. Executive Secretary and member of Taipei Women Rescue Foundation (台北婦女救援會執行長)

3. Taiwan-China policy researcher at the Executive Yuan (研究考核委員會/大陸工作會報 - 陸委會前身 of the Central Government), Taipei

4. Journalist at the Ta Hwa Evening News, Taipei.

5. Cultural/English tour guide at the Ministry of
Transportation, Taipei, Taiwan. (交通部導遊 英語組)

6. Military educator, and English/Japanese instructor.


(Luckily, I won a full scholarship to study abroad through a nation-wide competition in 1990.)

Ph.D. Learning Technologies (previous Instructional Systems and Technology) , Department of Curriculum and Instruction, University of Minnesota-Twin Cities

Dissertation: Preferences, Pedagogical Strategies,
and Challenges of Instructors Teaching in Multiple Delivery Formats within A 2-Year College Context

M.S. Ed., Art Education, Wayne State College, Nebraska with a minor in Computer Science.
Research Project: Integrating Multimedia Technology into Art Curriculum with Classroom Implementation, 1997.

M.S. Sociology, University of Wisconsin-Madison
Major: Social Psychology focusing on Social Movements
Minors: Journalism and Women's Studies. Thesis Title: Multilevel Analysis of A Social Movement-1947, 228 Social Uprising in Taiwan, 1993.

M.S. Socio-political Science (the Graduate Institute of National Development), National Taiwan University. Thesis: Social Ideology and Gender Roles- Women's Issues in Contemporary society, 1986.

Special Training. Major: Military Education. Political Warfare Academy, Army of Taiwan (due to a national crisis, I joined the Army Academy).

B.A. Sociology, National Taiwan University.

Taipei Municipal First Girls' High School.

Areas of Interests

Innovation in Online Education Programs

TPACK Integration of Emerging Technologies

Equity and Quality of Diverse Learning in the Digital Age

Learning Technologies in the post-secondary educational setting

Interdisciplinary collaborative (Education, Social Science, and Technologies) Learning


Interpersonal, enthusiastic, and helpful with strong work ethics

Multiple language ability: Taiwanese, Mandarin, English, and Japanese

Have taken computer science as a minor (2001-2003).
Knowledgeable of C++, JAVA, Assembly language and Web Design
CMS/LMS: BlackBoard, WebCT, E360, Moodle, Joomla.

General Software application: Multi-aid, QuarkXpress, Pagemaker.

2010,Hyperstudio, Inspiration and variety of social media applications

Authorize tools: Macromedia (DreamWeaver, and Flash)
Web 3.0, Blog 2.0., Cloud Computing,
Photoshop/Photodeluxe, Premiere, Illustrator

PC and Mac proficiency

Visual-art making (2-D: Calligraphy; drawing, traditional ink/painting and mixed media;
3-D: mainly, ceramics and other mixed media

Trained quantitative, qualitative and mixed research methods

Statistic software: Spssx, MaxQDA2, and Minitab


Canvas/E360/BlackBoard/WebCT/Joomla - LMS (Learning management system) Teaching Certificates from UW-Stout and CVTC

Hybrid/blended and Web-conference training Certificates from CVTC

Quality Matters Certified Peer-Reviewer

Web Design and ITV Certificates from UW-Stout

General and Special Higher Civil Service Certificates from Taiwan

Academic Activities and Professional Development

Research, Papers, Posters, Projects, publications, and Professional Development


1993, Title :The February 28, 1947 Uprising in Taiwan:
A Multi-leveled Analysis of Collective Actions Author Li-Chin (Crystal) Huang
Publisher: University of Wisconsin--Madison, 1993
Digitized Feb 19, 2008. Length 172 pages;view=1up;seq=12

2004, Title: The Wonder of Tao: A Meditation on Spirituality and Ecological Balance.
Author: James Eggert.
Illustrations and Calligraphy by Li-chin (Crystal) Huang
Green Dragon Publishing. Printed in the United States of America and
the United Kingdom.

2018 Title: A Mystic Flow. Poems.
Publisher: Xena Crystal LC Huang


2015, Dissertation: Preferences, Pedagogical Strategies,and Challenges of Instructors Teaching in Multiple Delivery Formats within A 2-Year College Context. Dept. of Curriculum and Instruction, Learning Technologies (previous Instructional System and Technology), University of Minnesota-Twin Cities.

1997, Thesis Research Project: Integrating Multimedia Technology into Art Curriculum with Classroom Implementation. Wayne State College.

1986, Thesis: Social Ideology and Gender Roles- Women's Issues in Contemporary society. Socio-political Science (the Graduate Institute of National Development), National Taiwan University.

Research Papers/Publications, Posters, and Projects

2017, Internationalizing the Curriculum Conference, Panelist, 2017

Apr 13, 2017 publication description Crystal Li-chin Huang Learning-Teaching-Sharing Blog

Title: “The Voice of Faculty and Staff”

2012, title: Integrate Learning Technologies into A Social Science Course-Race, Ethnicity and Diversity Studies
Presented at the 28th Distance Teaching and Learning Conference
at UW-Madison, Aug, 2012.
Paper published in the Conference proceedings.

2012, Project Presentation- STEMSS
Project presentation to the future- STEM scientists for the local district.

2009, Title: “What is the Lived Experience of Designing and Teaching Multiple Delivery Methods -Live Meeting, Hybrid, Online, and Face To Face (f2f) within a Semester at a Technical College Setting”?
Paper presented at the 2009 AECT International Convention, Louisville, KY
Published in the Convention Proceedings, and in the ERIC

2009, Title: Learning Information Technologies as Empowering Tools to Narrow the Gender Gap in the Rural-Urban Spectrum - a Review from Global to Domestic Perspective (Project Leader: Dr. Susan Walker)
Paper presented at the 2009 AECT International Convention, Louisville, KY
Published in the Convention Proceedings, and in the ERIC

2008, Title: Beauty and Artistic Beauty
Presented at University of Minnesota-Twin Cities, 2008

2008, Title: Green and Dao
“The Wonder of the Tao-Six Meditation on Science, Spirit,
and the Future of Economics”
Presented at University of Minnesota- Twin Cities, 2008

2008, Title: Freedom Writers
Presented at University of Minnesota- Twin Cities, 2008

The next 5 research projects, due to my job descriptions (mainly, as hired in a Non-Research Institution of a 2-year college setting, the dir. of professional development (a male) at that time/2010, informed me that the school budget supported attendees, but not the researcher-presenters), I was unable to attend/present to the following conferences.

2015, Research proposal: Title:
“How Could It Be, Two Identical Online Deliveries in One Composite, and One Did So Well,
While the Other… , accepted by Association of Educational Communication and Technologies (AECT) for presentation
at the 2015 International Conference.

2010, Research proposal. Title:
“Struggles and Triumphs– A Female Minority Social Science
Instructor’s Reflection on Sociology Web-conference Course in
Facilitating Disadvantaged Learners”,
accepted by Association of Educational Communication and
Technologies (AECT) for a presentation
at the 2015 International Convention.

2010, Research proposal: Title:
“From Quantity to Quality - Quality Matters! But, What and How Does It Matter?
– Pursuing Online Courses Quality Assurance One Step at
A Time!” accepted by the Association of Educational
Communication and Technologies (AECT)
for a presentation at the 2015 International Convention.

2010, Research proposal. Title:
“Live Meeting: Web-conference Triumph in Sociology Course
facilitation”, accepted by the League of Innovation for a
presentation at the 2010 Maryland Conference.

2010, Research proposal. Title:
“Constructing a Bio-ecological System of Teaching and Learning Environment for 2-year College”, accepted by the League of Innovation 2010 Maryland Conference

2008, Quantitative Research Project. Title:“Do The Knowledge Of Using The Internet And The Annual Income Level Affect The Total Life Skill Assessments Of Rural Low Income Mothers”? University of Minnesota - Twin Cities (as part of my collaborative research projects)

2008, Co-presenter: The 16th Midwest Quality Research Conference
Topic: “The Lived Experience of Relocated Teachers in Korea”,
at St. Thomas University.

2008, Co-presenter: “A Brief Introduction to the Multimedia
Enhancer” at UW-Stout.

2008, Co-presenter: “A Mini-presentation: A brief of CMS”
at UW-Stout

2007-8, Collaborative Research Project: Joined the “Rural
Families Speak”
– A Multistate, Longitudinal and Multidisciplinary research
project, focusing on low-income women’s using information
technology, University of Minnesota - Twin Cities.

2007, research project presentation. Title: “Reflection on the Pedagogies of the Oppressor and the
Oppressed”, at University of Minnesota - Twin Cities

2007 The Four Asian Dragons.
Presented at Professor Husby's International Business program

2006, Research paper: Exploration of PCTMK Model of Hybrid Teaching.
Published as an Op-Ed in the Dunn County News.

2004, Collaborative project.
Assisting professor emeritus Jim Eggert as a translator and
illustrator of the Book-
“The Wonder of the Tao- A Meditation on Spirituality &
Ecological Balance”. FL: Brumby Holding, Inc.

2004, Panelist, UW-System Women's Study Consortium
Topic: “A Hermeneutic Phenomenological Study of Childless
Issues in Contemporary American Society”, at UW-Stout.

2003, Keynote speaker:
Annual Spring Awards and Recognition of Multicultural Student Services at UW-Stout.

2003, Presenter, “A Cultural Sojourner's ‘Courage to teach’ in
Intro-Sociology”, at UW-Stout.

2002, Poster presentation, Student and Faculty Research Day:
”An Action Research Report on a Spontaneous Thematic
Pedagogy in Intro-Sociology”, at UW-Stout.

2002, Panelist- International Forum
AAUW Midwest Regional Conference Presentation:

1.“The Trajectory of Women's Transformation via Education
- 3 Women's Stories”, at Rapid City, South Dakota calligraphy/

2. Story-telling

2001, Teaching Day Display,
“Sociological Pedagogy-Blending Teaching Strategy to Empower Student Active Learning”, at UW-Stout.

2001, Presenter, Professional Development Day:
“Enhancing Active Teaching/Learning Via Electronic application” at UW-Stout.

2001, Research paper:
“A Thematic Approach of Teaching Sociology during September
11th Crisis”, accepted to the Midwest Sociologist Conference


2014 Diversity Pedagogical Project
-The Gettysburg Address recorded in English, Mandarin,
and Taiwanese

Affiliations /Associations

American Education and Research Association (AERA)

Association for Educational Communications and Technologies (AECT)

International Society for Technology Education (ISTE)

Association for Career and Technical Education (ACTE)

Wisconsin Association for Career and Technical Education (WACTE)

National Educational Computing Conference (NECC)


American Sociological Association.

Member of American Association of University Women (AAUW)

Governance Involvements

Executive Secretary of Li-ling Huang Gender Equity Memorial Endowment at Chippewa Valley Technical College (CVTC). (2016 to present).

Sponsor of the Tsai-Huang Memorial Endowment Scholarship at CVTC. (2007 to present).

Adviser of Art Club at CVTC (2016 to present).

Adviser of Diversity Student Organization at CVTC (2011-2013).

Co-chair of Professional Development Committee of
Chippewa Valley Technical College Career and Technical Education Association (2009-2011).

Chair of the Chippewa Valley Technical College Education Association Scholarship Foundation (2010 to present).

CVACTE Event/Year Book Coordinator (2010-11).

Representative of ALC (Academic Leadership Council –WTCS).

Representative to the Advisory Committees of Renal Dialysis, Surgical Technician programs.

Course representative of Art Appreciation and Diversity Studies.

Nominations and Awards

2019, nominated to the Teaching Excellent Award at Chippewa Valley Technical College.

2013, nominated to the Teaching Excellent Award at Chippewa Valley Technical College.

2010, nominated to the Teaching Excellent Award at Chippewa Valley Technical College.

2006, nominated and the recipient of the Regional Outstanding Teacher of Chippewa Valley Technical College.

2001, nominated and the recipient of the Outstanding Contribution to UW-System and Women of Color representing UW-Stout in 2001.

Activities in Taiwan

1989-1990 Taiwan-China policy researcher at the Executive Yuan

(大陸工作會報兩岸政策研究員 - 陸委會前身
Central Government), Taipei.

- 1988: Elected as the Supervisor
of the National Congressional Assistant Association, Taipei.

- 1987-88: Delegate of Taiwan, invited

by both Congresses of Taiwan and the U.S. to observe the

Primaries and Causes in New Hampshire and Iowa as well as

followed the Presidential campaign trails.

- 1985-88

1. Journalist at the Ta Hwa Evening News, Taipei.

2. Cultural/English tour guide at the Ministry of
Transportation, Taipei, Taiwan.

3. Twice Campaign Coordinator and Speaker, and later,

the Speech Writer in the Congress.
(問質詢總主筆, 競選文宣策劃, 選民服務)

4. Executive Secretary and member of Taipei
Women Rescue Foundation.

1985-87 Congressional aide at the Legislative Yuan

(首屆立法院 國會助理 Congress of Taiwan), Taipei

Job including: coordinating election campaigns,

Congressional speech writer (質詢總主筆)
and serving constituencies.

- 1984-85: Summer and Winter Camp Speaker. (奉派執行冬令夏令營巡迴演講)

Previous career:

Military educator, and English/Japanese instructor at
Chung-San girls' High School, Chung-Sing University,
Taipei-Tech College, and Chang-Shu high school.


Grad Student Activities:

College and Graduate School at National Taiwan University

- Vice Chairperson

of the Graduate Association of National Taiwan University.

- Due to a National Crisis, I joined the Army Academic.
A retired Captain since 1985.

- Four semesters top 3% students of Sociology Department,

National Taiwan University.

- Selected, members of softball and volleyball varsity teams,
National Taiwan University.

Non-Academic Publications/Writing:

· Calligrapher and illustrator

of The Wonder of the Tao-Six Meditation on Science, Spirit,

and the Future of Economics by Jim Eggert.

A Human Trade Group Publisher, FL., 2004.

· Karma Ode, Burning Snow-Poetry, 2002, (in process).

· "Introductory Miao (Hmong) History and Culture by Tinqgui Li":

Translation,(collaborated with Steve Vang.) Wisconsin, UW-Stout. 2001.

· A Comprehensive History of the Chinese Miao (Hmong) by Xingfue Vue.

Translation. (collaborated with Steve Vang.), Wisconsin, UW-Stout, 2001.

· 10 articles related to cultural phenomena
for the Dunn County News, 1998-1999:

1. A thought to the Humane Society.

2. Homeopathy- a look from a tradition medical perspective.

3. The sociocultural perspective to Mulan.

4. Gua Sha-the traditional home remedy.

5. Halloween in the U.S. vs. Ghost Festival in Asia.

6. Organic products and its co-op practice.

7. Bosnia first hand report-Military sisters.

8. A cultural-sojourner's multicultural perspective.

9. Mini international house-visit the "Sharon the ambassador".

10.The legends behind Chinese New Year in Taiwan.

Selected writing/proposals as A Congressional Aide:

· “Women and Social Order,”

The Research and Assessment Monthly, Taipei, Taiwan, 1990.

· “The Interpellation to the Central Government”

- a compilation of 3 volumes (300 articles) relating to social welfare

and political system reformation drafted by me when working at


Some articles related to Women's issues are:

1. A proposal for "Equal Right, Equal Pay and Equal Opportunity of Employment

for both genders." September 29th,1987, the 80th session Legislative Yuan.

2. A proposal to Establish the "'Ministry of Women's Affairs'

to implement the Social Welfare for Women."

January 6th, 1988, the 80th, session, Legislative Yuan.

3. An interpellation on the issue of the Dilemma of

Single Parent and Divorced Women. January 19th,

1988.the 80th session, Legislative Yuan.

4. An interpellation on the issue of "the Myth of Marriage and

Increasingly Dysfunctional Families in contemporary society."

January 18th, 1987, the 80th session, Legislative Yuan.

· Personal Quantitative Research Project:

"Gender and Political Tolerance-The Study of Dane County,

Wisconsin." UW-Madison, 1992.


Enjoy reading, writing, poetry, music, cooking, visual art-making, nature and pet-caring.

Like to play basketball, ping pong, volleyball, tennis, softball, swimming, and hiking.

Li-chin (Crystal) Huang


Learning and Teaching of Crystal Li-chin Huang